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喝彩声逐渐停了下来。The cheers died away.

为啤酒干三杯!Three cheers for beer!

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我们将听到阵阵的欢呼声。We’ll hear the cheers.

欢呼声盖过了他的叫声。Cheers drowned his shouting.

她的表演赢得一片喝彩声。Her performance drew cheers.

为获胜者三呼喝采!Three cheers for the winner!

为萨尔·杜兰特欢呼三声吧!Three cheers for Sal Durante!

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在我感到害怕的时候,是他鼓励我。When I am afraid, he cheers me.

“一个圆!我画的!”他高兴地喊。“A circle! I did it!” he cheers.

但是他立刻又听到喝彩声。But soon they heard cheers again.

我没办法烧这么大的鱼。How big the fish is! " She cheers."

为美国帝国敲边鼓?Three Cheers for an American Empire?

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他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.His speech was punctuated with cheers.

每当我不高兴时,他总会给我鼓劲儿。Whenever I'm unhappy, he cheers me up.

大功告成,有劳大家,我们来高兴一下!Cheers to everybody for a job well done!

浓香的烟雾窒息了我的心。The aroma of coffee always cheers me up.

为奥运喝彩!中国加油!Cheers for Olympic Games! China refuels !

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让我们向来宾三次欢呼。Let's give three cheers for the visitors.

兰德·保罗带着爽朗的欢呼声走上了讲台。Rand Paul took the stage to hearty cheers.

为红、白、蓝欢呼、欢呼、再欢呼!Three cheers for the red, white, and blue!