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他们睡得都很香。They all slept soundly.

她睡得正香。She is sleeping soundly.

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他把那个男孩痛打了一顿。He thrashed the boy soundly.

我被父亲痛骂了一顿。I was soundly rated by my father.

然后蒙头大睡了四个多小时。And then he slept soundly for 4 hours.

因疏忽被她痛骂了一顿。She abused him soundly for his neglect.

但求酣睡,只要孤寝独宿。But soundly sleeps, while now it sleeps alone.

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树下有一个男孩,正睡得香。There is a boy sleeping soundly under the tree.

运动之后总能体会到酣畅淋漓。After moving total can realize soundly dripping wet.

经理狠狠地骂了他一顿然后把他开除了。The manager rated him soundly and then dismissed him.

小猫蟠据在它主人的床上,睡得可香了。The cat is occupying its master's bed, sleeping soundly.

地震发生时,我们都睡得正香。We were all sleeping soundly when the earthquake happened.

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早晨我睡得正香呢,电话铃响了。I was sleeping soundly this morning when the telephone rang.

所以每每有人对我说'总统应该有个贤内助'的时候,我都断然拒绝了。I soundly reject it when they say a president needs to be married.

主人回家时,小男孩睡得正香。When the master returned home, the young child was sleeping soundly.

午饭后,这位老人喜欢躺在沙发上,酣畅淋漓地打瞌睡。After lunch the old man likes to lie on his sofa, dozing off soundly.

我想大哭,想叫醒你,但你睡得很重,很甜。I wanted to cry out to wake you, but you slept so deeply, so soundly.

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我对门外的警卫说了晚安,然后沉沉睡去。I say goodnight to the armed guard outside our door and sleep soundly.

让我这颗熟睡的心恢复了激烈的跳动!Let I this heart that sleep soundly recovered the vehemence of flutter!

李副部长表示,当前中越关系总体发展良好。Li said that currently China-Vietnam relations in general develop soundly.