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在海上战役的日德兰半岛发生。At sea the Battle of Jutland takes place.

丹麦欧洲北部的一个国家,建立在日德兰半岛及其邻近的岛上。A country of northern Europe on Jutland and adjacent islands.

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日德兰半岛盛产优质的啤酒,其消费量也很大。Excellent quality beers are made in Jutland and consumption is high.

他向前开着车,直到车自动停了下来,停在日德兰半岛中部高高的天空上。He drives until the car stops all by itself, high above central Jutland.

丹麦日德兰半岛的盎格鲁萨克孙公元449年入侵不列颠。The Anglo Saxons began invading around 449 AD from the regions of Denmark and Jutland.

丹麦日德兰半岛上游动的白云和放牧的羊群组成一道完美的明信片式的风景。Puffy clouds and grazing sheep make a postcard-perfect scene in Denmark's Jutland Peninsula.

老记在日德兰半岛的瓶子已经是很久以前走过很长的大洋彼岸找到。An old note is found in a bottle in Jutland which has traveled very long across the ocean a long time ago.

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从日德兰半岛迁移到南高卢并被罗马人歼灭的古代的日尔曼语民族的人。A member of the ancient germanic people who migrated from jutland to southern gaul and were annihilated by the romans.

乐高山也很流行,它邻近日德兰半岛的范捷市,山上有许多用乐高拼块拼成的著名人脸-就象美国的总统山。Also popular is Legoland, near Vejle on the Jutland peninsula, with famous features created with Lego blocks—like Mount Rushmore.

德国西北部一岛屿,是位于海尔戈兰海湾之中的北弗是希兰群岛之一,和位于日德兰西南部北海的小湾。An island of northwest Germany, one of the North Frisian Islands in Helgoland Bay, an inlet of the North Sea southwest of Jutland.

于是,法国将其军事占领从莫斯科延伸到里斯本,从尤特兰延伸到卡拉布里亚,企图以此来制服英国。Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow t Lisbon, from Jutland to Calabria.

这是一个全球性的战斗,涉及世界各地海洋的每一个部门,远远跨越日德兰半岛战争。This was a global conflict that reached across the world's oceans to every part of the globe and was about far more than just the Battle of Jutland.

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霍斯坦德国北部一个曾为公爵领地的地区,位于日德兰半岛的基地,在1474年成为神圣罗马帝国管辖之下的公爵领地,后来经常被丹麦控制。Jutland Peninsula. It became a duchy under the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Empire in1474 and was often controlled by Denmark in the years that followed.

这位皇家空军的元老曾参加一战最惨烈的日德兰半岛之战,英女王和查尔斯王子都对他的去世表示哀悼。The Queen and Prince Charles led tributes to the founder member of the Royal Air Force, who was also involved in the greatest naval clash of the first world war, the Battle of Jutland.

亨利•阿林厄姆出生在伦敦东区,于1915年入伍,参加过西线战役和1916年的对德的伟大的日德兰海战。Born in east London, Henry Allingham joined the armed forces in 1915 and served on the western front and at the great naval battle with Germany at Jutland in 1916. Nicolas Walton reports.