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过高的出价将不会被考虑。Extortionate bids will not be considered.

他显出一副报复和敲诈的样子。Bob appears to be both vindictive and extortionate.

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攻击你,是为了敲诈你财钱。Atttack you, it is for extortionate your money fund.

曲筱绡认为必须找当地的地头蛇做中间人,双方讲和。QuXiao gauze think must find local extortionate do middleman, both sides make peace.

这导致了该地区国际电话费价格过高,网络收费居高不下,且网速慢得让人抓狂。This has kept international phone calls horribly overpriced and internet access equally extortionate and maddeningly slow.

如果您的出价超过规定,请解释原因。过高的出价将不会被考虑。谢谢你,好投标!If your bid is greater than stipulated, please explain why. Extortionate bids will not be considered. Thank you and good bidding!

安迪来见包奕凡,包奕凡将姜律师介绍给她们,姜律师就是当地的地头蛇,说话很有份量。Andy came to BaoYi whoever, BaoYi who introduced ginger lawyers to them, is local extortionate ginger lawyers, talk has a lot of weight.

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在印度农村,放债者非常普遍,他们通常以勒索性的利率提供贷款,有些农民被迫交出粮食册作为抵押。Moneylenders are common across rural India, often providing loans at extortionate rates. Some farmers hand over food booklets as collateral.

粉末冶金虽然从根本上解决了碳化物偏析和粗大的问题,但其工艺复杂,成本过高,应用受到限制。Although PM has solved the problem of carbide segregation and crassitude fundamentally, it has complicated technics and extortionate cost, so restricts its application.

昂贵的楼价意味着小房间和惊人的工作热情,而画廊和艺术博览会被认为符合中产阶级精英的口味,而非大众。Extortionate property prices mean tiny apartments and a phenomenal work ethic, and the galleries and art fair are seen to belong to an elite middle class rather than the masses.