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薇罗尼卡的双重生命。The Double Life Of Veronica.

我真是一个大白痴呀我。I am so sorry to you Veronica.

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Veronica现在没有心情想这些。Veronica cannot think about that now.

维罗尼卡必须要公开向我道歉。Veronica will have to apologise to me publicly.

“恩,那想法很好。”微诺尼卡告诉马文。"Well, that's very clever, " Veronica told Marvin.

莱拉7岁时,阿里与她母亲威罗尼卡离婚。Laila was 7 when Ali divorced her mother, Veronica.

Veronica站立湖边,向湖里眺望,她明显地颤抖着,试图报警。Veronica stands overlooking a lake, clearly shaken.

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Veronica转过身,看到Nick举枪瞄准了她。Veronica turns and sees Nick aiming the gun at her.

“我认为维罗妮卡是城市长大的女人,”他说。“I think Veronica had a city upbringing, ” he said.

Veronica驾着他租来的车沿着漆黑的大道上行驶。Veronica drives along a dark road in her rental car.

在法庭上,Veronica站在法官Kessler面前。Veronica stands in a courtroom before Judge Kessler.

只看见婆婆那幸福的微笑洋溢在嘴角。Veronica saw only a happy smile that filled the mouth.

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发言维罗尼卡和发现自己回到了城堡。Speak to Veronica and find yourself back at the castle.

维罗妮卡·佩莱格林收到了一封解雇信。Veronica Pellegrin received a layoff notice in the mail.

被出卖的Abruzzi把一张Veronica的照片甩到了桌上。Abruzzi, betrayed, slaps a photo of Veronica on the table.

发言亚瑟王和头部完全回到维罗尼卡。Speak to King Arthur completely and head back to Veronica.

维罗妮卡跟着迈克尔到法院的监禁室里。Veronica follows Michael to a jail cell in the courthouse.

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发言维罗尼卡让她知道你是准备回去。Speak to Veronica to let her know you are ready to go back.

芭芭拉是贝卢斯科尼与维罗尼卡生育的三个孩子之一。Barbara is one of three children Berlusconi has with Veronica.

Veronica最后说服了Nick和LJ让那个陌生人进来。Veronica finally convinces Nick and LJ to let the stranger in.