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我帮助奥克利进去。I helped Oakley inside.

奥克利精英全金属外壳Oakley Elite Full Metal Jacket

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奥克利把这个信息传达给了对方,杜兰特得到了释放。Oakley delivered the message and Durant was freed.

1975年,Oakley由吉姆·简纳德及篮球明星迈克尔·乔丹共同创办。In 1975, Oakley by Jim Jannard and co-founder of basketball star Michael Jordan.

库珀·奥克利夫人有一次瞥见了我们那位大名鼎鼎的姊妹海·佩·勃的原始状态。Mrs Cooper Oakley once glimpsed our very illustrious sister H. P. B. 's elemental.

那个马戏演员得到一张免费餐券,可以使用三天。The circus performer got an Annie Oakley and could have free meals for three days.

从1975年至1980年,Oakley一直以出产越野赛车的保护眼镜为主流。From 1975 to 1980, Oakley has been produced off-road racing goggles for the mainstream.

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鲁迅先生,虽然并不急于回家,但也想象奥克利太阳镜的温暖。Of Mr. Lu Xun, although not eager to go home, but also sunglasses oakley imagined the warmth.

杜兰特被释放后,奥克利展开了同艾迪德的谈判,最终达成了一个算是休战的协议。After Durant's release, Oakley opened negotiations with Aidid and eventually secured a truce of sorts.

杜兰特被释放后,奥克利展开了同艾迪德的谈判,最终达成了一个算是休战的协议。After Durant’s release, Oakley opened negotiations with Aidid and eventually secured a truce of sorts.

早上,我们还买到了Oakley太阳镜,好货色啊,这几天逛着想买的呢。We also got a big shipment of Oakley sunglasses come in this morning, which we've been hanging out for.

这些独特的属性从来没有考虑离开奥克利框架的光学清晰度和全周的观点。These unique attributes never take away from the Oakley A Frame's optical clarity and wide peripheral view.

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伴我长大的话语曾刺入我的灵魂,但他的话语更是深深地激动了我的灵魂。The words I heard growing up pierced7 my soul, oakley sunglasses discount, yet his words pierced even deeper.

对不起﹐你到达台湾时我不会在﹐但是我会确保你这次旅行会很快乐。Let me know if you and the boyz from Oakley need anything. Sorry can't be here when you get to TW but I'll make sure you have a good time.

密歇根州奥克兰大学罗彻斯特分校的巴巴拉·奥克莱认为这两项研究“验证了许多人长期以来的猜想”。Barbara Oakley of Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, says that the studies "verify something a lot of people have conjectured about".

汤姆是一位性情古怪、暴躁的独居老人,自我放逐似地住在一个小镇,没有人知道他的过去。Tom" Oakley still broods over the death of his wife and small son while he was away in the navy during WWI, and grief has made him a surly hermit."

我自己本想买一副奥克利太阳镜,不过担心镜片上没有涂防紫外线涂料而眼睛被灼伤,笑。I would get a pair of Oakley sun glasses myself, but I'm just afraid my eyeballs will get sun burned without that UV coating they put on the lenses.

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独有的鼻梁卡垫更换设计结构能让您方便的更换最适合自己的鼻梁卡垫。Oakley engineered the pivoting system with a release mechanism that lets you remove and replace the nose piece with a different size to customize the fit.

欧克力偏光镜片除了阻挡强光以外,不像普通偏光镜片那样会扭曲光线。Oakley polarized lenses that block performance-killing glare without forcing you to endure the haze and optical distortion found in ordinary polarized lenses.

如同当年登月的盛况一般,全世界的人们停下手中的工作,一同见证了矿工们的脱险,以及迎接他们的欢呼与礼物——Oakley公司的墨镜。Like the moon landing, people around the world stopped to witness the miners' emergence, and closely followed their celebration and gifts-- down to the Oakley sunglasses.