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技术上说,这里是什么?Technically speaking what's here?

我们已经经过技术培训了。We have been technically trained.

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这云的学名是积雨云。That's what is technically cumulonimbus.

技术上说是对的,请记住数学计算。While technically true, please remember the math.

技术上,它是5家卧室加一个办事处。Technically it's a 5-bedroom house plus an office.

那些研究也可能有技术上的缺陷。Those studies might also have been technically flawed.

植物检疫措施应在技术上是合理的。Phytosanitary measures should be technically justified.

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一旦开始奔牛,从技术角度来说,是无法停下脚步的。Once you start running it is technically illegal to stop.

第二阶段的关节置换术极具技术挑战性。The second-stage arthroplasty was technically challenging.

小卖店的肚子也是技术上称为腹壁。The tummy tuck is also technically known as an abdominoplasty.

论及logo设计,技术上是无规可循的。There are technically no rules when it comes to logo designing.

什么是X射线影像最具技术挑战性的场景?What was the most technically challenging scene in X-Ray Vision?

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虽然这种工作在技术上是非战斗性的,但却可能非常危险While the work was technically non-combat, it could be dangerous.

买主是那些专门从事盗号的人。Buyer is those people that are engaged in pilfer date technically.

在技术上间距对可以应用在字体文件上。A kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

数字化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距配对。A kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

数码化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距交尾。B kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

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我们的选择过程寻找的是技术最熟练的人。Our selection process looked for the most technically skilled people.

夸克和轻子的这些个同种类,从技术上看是有特色的。The different kinds of quarks or leptons are known technically as flavors.

从技术上讲,这是大萧条结束后的第一个完整年度。Technically it was the first full year since the end of the Great Recession.