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他们是推销员吗?。Are they sales reps.

我通常不信任尼康代表。I generally don't trust Nikon reps.

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事实上,伍尔特集团拥有多达30000万名销售员。In fact, Würth has 30,000 sales reps.

每一套训练我该做多少次?How many reps should I do in each set?

又是一个销售代表宣扬地谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

葛兰素可能削减美国的文迪雅销售代表?Glaxo To Cut US Sales Reps For Avandia?

又是一个销售代表宣扬的谬论。Another fallacy promoted by sales reps.

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韦尔奇对洛瓦托和销售代表拒绝发表评论。Reps for Lovato and Welch declined to comment.

你可以把它当成是在健身房里做锻炼那样。Think of it like doing sets and reps at the gym.

监督、指导销售代表,使他们把工作做得更好。Supervise sales reps. to help them do better jobs.

我经常和我的一些客户的高级代表旅行。I often travel with some of my customers' top reps.

我以高的次数开始,金字塔式递减到少的次数。I start with high reps and pyramid down to low reps.

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所谓人大代表是一个像皮图章。So-called "People's reps" are mocked "rubber stamps".

向前跨步,保持姿势,身体再缓慢上下16次。Lunge forward and hold the lunge, pulsing for 16 reps.

他玩着测位仪,在织物边他们谈了会儿。He plays spotter , and they talk for a while between reps.

呼叫中心人员,前线服务人员,客服代表。Call Center Reps, All Frontline Personnel, customer service Reps.

媒体代理热衷于投放次数、品牌互动之类的话题。Media reps love to talk about impressions and brand interactions.

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但是我需要我的媒体代理关注我的标准,帮助我改善它们。But I need my media reps to focus on my metrics and help me improve them.

一些人事代表及其他专家对本届选手们也是赞不绝口。HR reps and other experts also sang the praises of this year`s competitors.

Cathy只能访问那些对销售代表有有效的功能部件。Cathy can only access those sections of the software available for sales reps.