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我是建筑师。I'm an architect.

但是我是一名建筑师。But I am an architect.

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萨姆是芝加哥的一名建筑师。Sam is an architect in Chicago.

架构师是一位很好的沟通者The architect is a good communicator

架构师创造出软件构架。The architect creates the architecture.

他在当地一个建筑师那里当学徒。He was apprenticed to a local architect.

建筑师画出房子的剖面图。The architect drew the house in section.

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弗兰克努力工作,成了一名建造师。Frank worked hard and became an architect.

我在自我的囚牢中…I am the architect of my own imprisonment.

因此一个可怜的服务架构师能做什么?So what is a poor service architect to do?

首席软件架构师能产出什么呢?What does a Chief Software Architect ship?

建筑师是泰勒·哈德维克。Taylor Hardwick was the architect of record.

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那位建筑师指定用栎木做木饰条。The architect specified oak for the wood trim.

现任CIDG首席网络架构师兼CEO。Incumbent CIDG Chief Network Architect and CEO.

我们可以想象一下,就像建筑师和木匠的关系Let's think of this as architect and carpenter.

彼得希望象父亲一样当一名建筑师。Peter wishes to be an architect like his father.

建筑物不应只是建筑师的奇思怪想。This building was designed by a young architect.

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它的建筑师未知,但是他的工作是一流的。Its architect is unknown, but his work was superb.

我要当一名建筑师,戴无沿的帽子。I will be a great architect and wear a rimless hat.

我们请了建筑师来设计我们的夏日小屋。We employed an architect to design our summer house.