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他们可能与我们交好,他们也可能会吃掉我们。They might befriend us. They might eat us.

你又是如何成为失败的朋友并且脱离恐惧呢?How do you befriend failure and cast out fear?

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在选手休息区他从不对选手嬉皮笑脸。He does not befriend the players in his dugout.

我们愿意扶助弱者与穷人。We are willing to befriend the weak and the poor.

因此,他们总是帮助独身的雌性狒狒。So they often befriend individual females instead.

成为自己的朋友,他人将会使汝如友。Be a friend to thyself, and others will befriend thee.

北京的统治者们才亡羊补牢的费心思去亲近他的敌人。Rulers in Beijing are belatedly trying to befriend his enemies.

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与别人成为朋友是同快乐自己做朋友的方法。To befriend others is a way of befriending one's cheerier self too.

好了,了解了那么多关于射手男的情况,你准备好要与他们做朋友了么?So, having known so much about Sagittarius men, are you ready to befriend them?

费思是班里愿意与新来的一年级新生交朋友的少数人之一。Faith was one of the few people in the class willing to befriend a new freshman.

印度应该忘却那场战争,与中国建立友好关系,共谋双赢局面。India should forget the loss and befriend with China for a win-win relationship.

在“脸谱”和“我的空间”,你有充分的理由在交友时小心翼翼。On Facebook or MySpace, there’s good reason to be careful about who you befriend.

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在达蒙爵士在1950年写的故事“服务人类”中,外星人帮助我们的目的是最后吃了我们。In Damon Knight’s 1950 short story "To Serve Man," aliens befriend us only to eat us.

中国对那些“流氓政权”的友好会鼓励和怂恿它们挑战国际体系的权威。China will befriend ostracised regimes and encourage them to defy international norms.

居住在这个国家,要侍奉那里大夫中的贤者,应该结交他们中有仁德的人。Living in this state, serve the worthy of its ministers and befriend the humane of its man.

三元闭合”是一个描述人们倾向与和自己朋友的朋友做朋友。"Triadic closure " is the term for the fact that people tend befriend the friends of their friends.

你可以创建自己的资料,搜索其他用户,和她们成为朋友,收发站内短信。You can create your own profile, search for users, befriend others, and send and receive private messages.

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人们也许会发现很难和处女座成为好朋友,仅仅是因为处女座天性中格格不入。People may not find it easy to befriend Virgos, simply because of their nature of being emotionally detached.

你已经全心全意地投入了多年的服务,在这样的背景之下,你尽你所能去和你的上司交朋友。You’ve put in a couple years of dedicated service, and in this time frame you’ve managed to befriend your boss.

如果有谁觉得她美若天仙,要和她套近乎而侵扰了她,那你可要小心点,否则吃不了兜着走。If anyone who think she pretty, and she befriend and harass her, then you can want to be careful, otherwise prostrate.