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她帮我强化突击了现代表现主义艺术。She helped me get boned up on my modern expressionist art.

第一个表现主义团体于1905年在德累斯顿成立。The first Expressionist group gathered at Dresden in 1905.

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是风格化的、偏于表现派理想主义美学倾向。The movie is thus more of an expressionist idealism aesthetics.

鲁迅作品蕴藏着丰富的表现主义油画感。There is a sense of expressionist oil painting in Lu Xun's works.

面对一张抽象表现主义的绘画时,时间是由你掌握的。When you view an abstract expressionist canvas, time is in your control.

表象派作家生动的,坚定的标语和现代主义作者遍及街头的风趣画作。Expressionist graphics, decisive slogans and modernist wit pervade these images.

她帮我强化突击了现代表现主义艺术。I am learning so much from her.She helped me get boned up on my modern expressionist art.

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建筑师约恩·伍重对澳洲悉尼歌剧院的“当代表现主义”设计打破了常规。Jorn Utzon broke the rules with his modern expressionist Sidney Opera House in Australia.

这些抽象的表现主义绘画以色彩绚丽的杂乱线条为特征。These abstract expressionist paintings are characterized by brilliantly colored amorphous figures.

“特洛伊战争系列是他的优势之作”,比利先生继续说道,“这是一个生动而又尖锐的作品,大卫是一个表现主义者他在伊利耶特系列中找到了许多为他所用的东西并且也积累了许多。”David is an Expressionist. He has found something in ‘The Iliad’ that works for him and has mined a lot in that.

作为一个不妥协的非客观画家,他憎恶具体的形象,特别是表现主义和装饰风格。As fin intransigent non-objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative.

在另一事件与蒙特在巴伐利亚摘要表现里,康定斯基是他工作的组成六。In another event with Münter during the Bavarian Abstract Expressionist years, Kandinsky was working on his Composition VI.

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他笔下的女性人物性格多样,描写精妙,这得益于他在表现主义手法上大胆的探索和创新。His courageous expressionist exploration and innovation lend richness and exquisiteness to the female characters under his pen.

正如德国表现主义对战争的再现,这些极具冲击力的画面表现了西线的混乱、肮脏、乏力与无益。Like German expressionist images of the war, these formidable scenes convey the mess, filth, exhaustion and futility of the western front.

桥的设计者是瓦伦西亚的建筑师圣迭戈卡拉特拉瓦,他曾经建造过表现派风格的大桥并且使用怪异的扭曲金属环结构为特征。The designer was Santiago Calatrava, the Valencian architect who has made expressionist bridges and weirdly torqued structures a trademark.

读者从墨迹中隐隐地感受到某种情绪。这其实正是一种表现主义艺术的特点。In appreciating a calligrapher's work, readers feel the artist's mood, a reaction that is a most important characteristic of expressionist art.

有趣的是,他同样反对表现主义的信念,他们认为艺术作品是藉由表现作者的真诚、内在而有价值。Interestingly, he also stood against the Expressionist belief that the work of art gains value by disclosing the truth, the inner being, of its author.

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表现主义运动的主要人物有荷兰的梵谷,挪威的孟克,法国的高更及比利时的恩索尔。The leading figures of the expressionist movement were Van Gogh of the Netherlands, Munch of Norway, Paul Gauguin of France, and James Ensor of Belgium.

斯特林也崇敬作为祖的表现主义戏剧,不过他没有明确的理论约表现像他那样了解自然。Strindberg is also venerated as a progenitor of the expressionist theater, though he did explicitly theorize about expressionism as he did about naturalism.

十九世纪西方表现主义绘画大师文森特·凡·高,以其独特的艺术风格在艺术史上有着重要的地位和作用。Vincent van Gogh, a master of western expressionist paintings in the 9 century, holds a significant position in art history due to his unique artistic style.