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弗朗西丝·克莱克是个犹太人,或是犹太女人。Frances Blake is a Jew, or a Jewess.

他将法郎兑换成美元。He converted his frances into dollars.

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“你们去哪?”我问法兰西斯。"Where are you going?" I asked Frances.

她耐心地等弗朗西丝弄完。She waited patiently for Frances to finish.

弗朗西丝讲话时用一种柔和悦耳的爱丁堡声调。Frances spoke with a soft, musical Edinburgh cadence.

弗朗西丝讲话时用一种柔和悦耳的爱丁堡声调。Frances spoke with a soft, musical edinburgh cadence.

法兰西斯真是她漂亮妈咪的翻版哪。Frances is the spitting image of her beautiful mother.

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终于,我和法兰西斯要在这里一起吃饭了。Evidently, Frances and I were to eat in here, by ourselves.

我是佛朗西斯阿朗佐,在华盛顿的美国之声新闻中心。From the VOA News Center in Washington, I'm Frances Alonzo.

如果某样东西能够被用于不轨勾当,那它就会被滥用,”福朗瑟斯说道。If something can be misused, it will be misused, " Frances says.

伊莎贝拉·林顿都根本没法和她比,是吧?弗郎西丝?Isabella Linton is not to be compared with her, is she, Frances?

在福朗瑟斯担心这件事可能会导致教育资源的分配不当。Frances worried this might cause a misallocation of school resources.

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弗朗西?利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?Will Frances Liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro?

弗朗西利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?Will frances liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro ?

如果比说嚼玻璃片是个好主意的话,弗也会这么做的。Frances would chew glass if Beatrice said she thought it was a good idea.

一些狗狗的装饰陈设是由丹尼斯与弗朗西斯雕刻的。Some of the dog's decorative furnishings are carvings by Dennis & Frances.

在马丁家里,白求恩和弗朗西丝会见了其它名医和社会名流。At Martin's home Bethune and Frances met other eminent doctors and socialites.

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弗朗西斯•百内基看到了美国气候政策发生巨变的曙光。Frances Beinecke sees the dawning of a dramatic change in US policy on climate.

望我的妹妹,弗朗西斯,能得到你公寓里那台钢琴。I would like my sister Frances to have the piano that you have in your apartment.

红十字会发言人弗朗西斯·马克斯向我们讲述了他们所面临的困境。A Red Cross spokesman Frances Markus spoke of the difficulties that they were facing.