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阿尔奇冷漠地瞪了她一眼。Archie fixed her with a cold eye.

我们同阿齐先生成为亲密的朋友了。Mr. Archie and we got to be close friends.

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换句话说依迪斯用了个修辞的问句。In other words, Archie has asked a rhetorical question.

阿加莎在托基遇到了她的第一任丈夫阿奇·克里斯蒂。Agatha met Archie Christie, her first husband, in Torquay.

阿奇和奥黛丽的箭和阿蒂的箭一样是假冒的艺术品吗?Are Archie and Audrey’s archery arrows as arty as Artie’s archery arrows?

但是也有另外的情况,假设阿齐,邦克是。Arkay Debunker But there are cases--suppose Archie Bunker were Arkay Debunker.

我想有了阿尔奇诺克斯的经验保罗会干得很好的。I think Paul's done very well taking on someone with the experience of Archie.

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本书的编辑阿奇•伯内特仔细收集拉金写过的所有诗歌。Its editor, Archie Burnett, has carefully collected all of the poems Larkin ever wrote.

在阿伯丁时,我曾任用阿齐·诺克斯很多年,我希望他们可以认真应战。I had Archie Knox for many years at Aberdeen and United and I wish he was playing actually!

因此,岩石电阻率频散性影响着阿尔奇参数的变化。So rock resistivity dispersion has a bearing on the variation of the parameters of Archie equation.

根据阿尔奇公式的分析结果同逾渗理论结果一致。The results achieved by using the Archie formula and the percolation theory are in good accordance.

毕竟一个声音提示就足以告诉我们亚奇·邦克或者奥·邦迪刚才在哪。Because a sound cue is perfectly sufficient to tell us where Archie Bunker or Al Bundy has just been.

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推导出了岩样对应的阿尔奇参数,测试结果合理有效。The paper Derived Archie parameters of the two sample, and the test results is rational and effective.

地层水饱和度模型可以根据阿尔奇公式对其进行确定。And ensured their error in the limit. formation Archie equation can established water saturation model.

她在二十二岁那年与亚契?克莉丝蒂相恋,两人于一九一四年结婚,当时刚爆发「第一次世界大战」。At 22, she fell in love with Archie Christie. They got married in 1914 at the beginning of World War I.

阿尔奇在床边低低地举着灯照亮,同时用一个骨节肿大的手指放在艾希礼的手腕子上。Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley's wrist.

假设阿齐,邦克是雅克,德里达,雅克,德里达走过来说,区别在哪“Suppose Archie Bunker were Jacques Derrida, and Jacques Derrida came along and said, "What is the differance?"

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这个礼物是建筑师王东平以及设计师李·阿奇和杰弗里·富兰克林准备献给纽约市的。That's the gift architect Dong-Ping Wong and designers Archie Lee and Jeffery Franklin want to give New York City.

5年前,她曾在国内索赔处理部门协助创建了第一个模型。Archie helped create the first model five years ago when he worked on the claims processing capabilities for internal requests.

贝弗利是位一流的律师,是我的朋友伍迪.巴塞特的妹妹,也是参议员戴尔.邦珀斯的侄子阿奇.沙费尔的妻子。Beverly was a first-class lawyer, the sister of my friend Woody Bassett, and the wife of Archie Schaffer, Senator Dale Bumper’s nephew.