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这一最重要的核心价值,贯穿了Zappos历程中的每一个行为。The all-important bookend core value.

这当然是个成就,但这也是个好时机去结束它。That's quite an achievement, but it's also a nice place to bookend things.

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不仅如此,我还有三个孙子,分别是10岁、5岁和4岁。I have bookend boys with girl fillers and three grandchildren ages 10, 5, and 4.

在奈邦卡特边上是氛围轻松的帆船总会酒吧,在海上驾帆或划船度过一天后,这里是个休憩的好去处。Next door to Knai Bang Chatt, the breezy Sailing Club bar is a relaxed bookend to a day of sailing or kayaking.

巴赫曼的错误可以和萨拉佩林在一周前在提到1775年四月份事件时犯的错相媲美。Bachmann's gaffe served as a bookend to one made by Sarah Palin, the week before, when she, too, addressed the events of April, 1775.

客厅的书架上现在还放着这么一套有意思的书,不协调的是,让这套书立得直直的是一个贝多芬弹琴模型的书档。There was still a set of those fascinating volumes on the living-room bookshelves , incongruously kept upright by a bookend of Beethoven at his piano.

第三,住宅必须小心保护隐私和避免来自相邻的公寓高出的视线,这些需求就促成了“书立”形体。Thirdly, the house had to be careful to preserve the privacy and views of the sky from the adjacent apartment and this contributed to the bookend section.

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在扎格罗斯山脉、印度和缅甸长期旅居收集的艺术品紧邻现代加拿大艺术品放置。Artifacts collected over long sojourns through the Zagros mountain range, India and Myanmar nestle next to modern Canadian art and bookend the exterior views.

他们的努力最终得以回报。电影起初并不受好评,而现在它却被认为是布库里奇一系列优秀作品的完美收笔。Their efforts paid off though, as the movie, which was initially coldly-received, is now regarded as a suitable bookend to Kubrick's superlative body of work.

周五,他将出席在中国首都的美国大使馆新馆的开馆典礼,相对应的,中国在华盛顿的壮观的大使馆新馆今年早些时候揭幕了。On Friday, he will dedicate the new embassy in the Chinese capital, a bookend to China's unveiling of its imposing new embassy in Washington earlier this year. The U. S.

恐怖主义、两次战争和经济衰退给这8年打上了不可磨灭的烙印,这次13分钟的讲话是对这8年的一个收尾,也是在周二离任前为任内工作辩护的最后一次机会。A bookend to eight years indelibly marked by terrorism two wars and recessions the 13-minute speech was Bush's last opportunity before he leaves office Tuesday to defend his presidency.

年的一个收尾,也是在周二离任前为任内工作辩护的最后一次机会。A bookend to eight years indelibly marked by terrorism, two wars and recessions, the 13-minute speech was Bush's last opportunity before he leaves office Tuesday to defend his presidency.

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本实用新型是一种可以长出植物来的智力劳动型科学趣味书卡。The utility model discloses a bookend capable of growing out vegetable, which is a scientific fun bookend of an intelligence working type, having the capability of growing out vegetables.