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风把帆张满了。Wind bellied the sails.

风把船帆张满了。The wind bellied out the sail.

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大肚皮猪是最好的宠物。Pot- bellied pigs make the best pets.

船帆在风中鼓得大大的。The ship's sails bellied in the wind.

他们径直向俱乐部的酒吧间走去。They bellied up to the bar at the club.

我们发现丰富的矿脉突然增大了。We discovered the rich lode bellied out.

帆在强风中鼓得满满的。The sails bellied out in the strong breeze.

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在大肚子云下搜寻小虫。Cruising for bugs beneath the bellied cloud.

哈尼沙克尽情地烤着火,就像猎浣熊的猎犬看见浣熊一样。Miss Huneysuckel bellied up to that fire like a coon dog to a coon.

如果你不讨好你的上司,你能得到提升吗?Would you have gotten the promotion if you hadn't bellied up to the boss?

琴颈颇长,有两个大小不一的共鸣箱,箱面罩一层薄羊膜。It has a long neck and a double bellied sound box, over which is streched a thin sheep skin membrane.

这是一起人为事故,船长痛饮伏特加之后昏昏大睡,掌舵的三副未能及时转弯,致使油轮一头撞上暗礁——一处众所周知的暗礁。The ship had bellied into a well-known reef as its captain slept off a vodka bender and, at the wheel, his third mate missed a turn.

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托维克透露最迫在眉睫的问题是圣诞老人的健康,「因为圆滚滚的圣诞老人太多了,他们无法顺利从烟囱入屋。」The most urgent issue was, however, the Santas' health, since "many are so pot- bellied they can't make it down the chimney, " Tornvig confided.

通常,圣诞老人被描绘成一个亲切和善、大腹便便、兴高采烈、戴着眼镜的老人。他穿着一套装饰有白色皮毛的红衣服,胡子又白又长。Conventionally, Santa Claus is portrayed as a kindly, round- bellied , merry, bespectacled old man in a red suit trimmed with white fur, with a long white beard.

至于金正日大腹便便,不再适用了,去年夏天中风之后,这位敬爱的领袖看起来虚弱不堪,骨瘦如柴,一如他食不果腹的子民们。As for pot- bellied , the description no longer holds, since, after a presumed stroke last summer, the Dear Leader looks frail, and as gaunt as his underfed subjects.