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目击了这一奇异的景象。A curious spectacle was witnessed.

这真是一个荒唐的场面。It was really an absurd spectacle.

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我需要买衣服新的眼镜架。I need to buy new spectacle frames.

直深及到腿部,一副惨象。Deep in the thigh, a spectacle of ruth.

人群被这一奇观弄得眼花缭乱。The crowd was dazzled by the spectacle.

玩蛇者在印度是一道风景。Snake charmers are a spectacle in India.

开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle.

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西索科在19岁时就已经很出色了。At 19-years-old he was already a spectacle.

大夹谷实在是一个美景。Grand Canyon is truly a wondrous spectacle.

这可说是最令人幻象破灭的景象。IT HAS BEEN a most disillusioning spectacle.

我们永远记得那壮丽的奇观。We remenber that splendid spectacle forever.

但是视觉奇观更是令人咋舌。But the visual spectacle is even more astounding.

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佛光是峨眉山最壮美的奇观。Mount Emei Buddha is the most magnificent spectacle.

北海道的雪祭景观令人眼花撩乱。The Snow Festival in Hokkaido is a dazzling spectacle.

部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour.

当霜雪覆盖时,又见“火树银花”奇观。When the frost coverage, we see, "Fireworks" spectacle.

流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观。Meteor shower is one of the most romantic spectacle Sky.

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埃迪在昨晚聚会上喝得酩酊大醉,丑态百出。He got drunk and made a spectacle of himself in the club.

观看公共表演或展览时,不要无所顾忌地大笑不止。Do not laugh too loud or too much at any public spectacle.

然而,盖茨先生本人淡化处理来对应。Mr. Gates, however, reacted by playing down the spectacle.