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以往使用其它抗疟药已经发生这种情况。This has already happened with other antimalarial drugs in the past.

她的研究组仍然在改善这种药物的抗疟功能并在小鼠身上进行试验。Her team is still improving the antimalarial function of the drug and testing it in mice.

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以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法是最有效的抗疟药。Artemisinin-based combination therapies, or ACTs, are our most effective antimalarial drugs.

科学家开发出了一种强有力的抗疟疾药物,它还能够恢复已经失去疗效的抗疟药的活性。Scientists report that a low-cost antimalarial drug could hit the market in the next two years.

青蒿素是中国科学家自主创新的倍半萜内酯类抗疟化合物。The arteannuin is an antimalarial drug that was developed independently by scientists of China.

从全球看,给公共部门提供的抗疟药物数量也增加了。Worldwide, the volume of antimalarial medication delivered to the public sector has also increased.

这组科学家从共有1167名患者参与的15个抗疟药栓剂临床试验中汇集了数据。The researchers pooled data from 15 trials of antimalarial suppositories on a total of 1,167 patients.

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金鸡纳宁,辛可宁一种生物碱,c19h22n2o,由金鸡纳树的树皮中。An alkaloid, C19H22N2O, derived from the bark of various cinchona trees and used as an antimalarial agent.

结论瑞香素的抗疟作用与它的铁螯合能力有关。Conclusion The dose-dependent antimalarial activity of daphnetin is related to its iron-chelating activity.

目的研究瑞香素体外抗疟作用与其铁螯合能力的关系。Objective To investigate the in vitro antimalarial effect of daphnetin relating to its iron-chelating activity.

在社区一级提供和获取有效、高质量和预先包装好的抗疟药。availability of and access to effective, high-quality, prepacked antimalarial medicines at the community level.

一般来说,抗疟药物耐药性首先通过疟原虫中罕见的自发变化出现。Generally, antimalarial drug resistance first emerges through a rare spontaneous change in the malaria parasite.

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奎宁首早在17世纪早期被用于治疗疟疾,而且目前仍然是常用的抗疟药。Quinine was first used to treat malaria in the early 17th century and remains a commonly used antimalarial drug.

世卫组织建议各国使用抗疟联合药物以减少产生抗药性的危险。WHO recommends that countries use a combination of antimalarial medicines to reduce the risk of drug resistance.

抗疟药效力方面的任何变化应促使适当修订一国的治疗政策。Any change in efficacy of antimalarial drugs should prompt an appropriate update in a country’s treatment policy.

科学家开发出了一种强有力的抗疟疾药物,它还能够恢复已经失去疗效的抗疟药的活性。Scientists have created a potent antimalarial drug that can also resurrect the activity of defunct antimalarials.

疟疾对怀孕妇女有特别的风险,但是几乎没有孕期的抗疟药物试验。Malaria poses a particular risk to pregnant women, but there are too few trials of antimalarial drugs in pregnancy.

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按世卫组织建议将一种以青蒿素为基础的药物与另一种抗疟药结合,可显著降低风险。Combining an artemisinin-based medicine with another antimalarial drug, as WHO recommends, sharply reduces the risk.

科学家发现了控制着植物的抗疟药青蒿素产量的基因。Genes from the plant that control its yield of the antimalarial drug artemisinin have been identified by scientists.

当把它与其他抗疟药联合使用的时候,它被认为是疟疾的最有效疗法。When used in combination with other antimalarial drugs it is recognised as the most effective treatment for malaria.