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他注意到这名字,贝斯尼。He noted the name. Bethany.

萨姆是个著名的大力士。Sam is noted for his strength.

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他把我说的都记下来了。He noted dowm everything I said.

这个地区以泥土肥饶著称。This area is noted for its rich soil.

米克尔指出这种创新正在加速。Meeker noted that this is accelerating.

甚至于,我们还击败了你们的阿森纳。We even beat your Arsenal, " Zhura noted.

这个岛以避暑胜地而著称。The island is noted for its summer resort.

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这个湖作为许多鸟类的栖息地遐迩闻名。The lake is noted as a home to many birds.

然后他根据上面的日期做了个算术。Then he did the math from the dates noted.

汤姆是著名的金融怍家和博主。Tom is a noted finance author and blogger.

他以治学严谨著称。He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

那是一个以温泉出名的观光胜地吗?Is that a resort noted for its hot springs?

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随后,钢琴谱上再次出现三十二分音符。The piano is, again, noted in three staves.

警察把我说的每句话都记录下来。The policeman noted down every word I said.

而俄罗斯方面一直抵制这一点。And Russia has resisted it, " Aslund noted."

四川被称为“天府之国”。Sichuan is noted as the “Land of Abundance”.

他们还记下了幸存者和死难者。They also noted who survived and who didn't.

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我们已经指出过,冰吸收光很弱。We have noted that ice absorbs light weakly.

这笔买卖已记录在枪炮制造人的日志里了。The sale is noted in the gunsmith's log-book.

这些现象都很细微,应该被记下来。These phenomena are tiny, it should be noted.