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货币-塞尔维亚第纳尔和欧元Currency C Serbian Dinar and euro

在塞尔维亚飞地中这是最常见的说法。It is a common refrain in the Serbian enclaves.

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“我们现在喝我们自己的啤酒。”他说着,摇了摇手中的塞尔维亚啤酒。We'll drink our own beer now' he said, cradling a Serbian beer.

第二天,米洛舍维奇和塞尔维亚议会同意了这些要求。The next day Milosevic and the Serbian parliament agreed to them.

萨里奇来自黑山共和国的普列夫利亚,但具有塞尔维亚的国籍。Mr Saric hails from Pljevlja, in Montenegro, but is a Serbian citizen.

检控官认为2006年之前他一直呆在塞尔维亚首都。He's known by prosecutors to have been in the Serbian capital until 2006.

1989年,卡拉季奇和其他人共同创建了波黑塞尔维亚民主党。In 1989 he cofounded the Serbian Democratic Party in Bosnia-Hertzegovina.

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但你给我听着斯拉维克,他们通常叫你作塞尔维亚恶狼对吗?But you listen to me Slavik, they used to call you the Serbian Wolf right?

以塞尔维亚人为主的北部地区实际上是在塞尔维亚的控制之下。The Serb-dominated north of the country is under de facto Serbian control.

塞尔维亚政府称此举旨在制裁有组织的犯罪。The Serbian government is trumpeting this as a crackdown on organised crime.

英国由两条大河,塞文河长354公里。泰晤士河长346公里。United Kingdom by two rivers, Serbian River 354 km long. Thames 346 km long.

同日晚间,德国的摩托化部队进抵塞尔维亚边境。And the same evening German motorized elements reached the Serbian frontiers.

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三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car.

塞尔维亚人在第五局在5-4落后的情况下挽救了赛点并进入自己的发球局。The Serbian saved the match points while trailing 5-4 in the fifth set and serving.

但是,塞尔维亚放弃使用暴力挽留科索沃,北京可以从中学习到一些东西。Still, the Serbian renunciation of violence to retain Kosovo has lessons for Beijing.

荷兰士兵说,当时寡不敌众,无法制止塞尔维亚人的入侵。Dutch soldiers have said they were outnumbered and not able to halt the Serbian invasion.

安娜今天出现在塞尔维亚著名新闻杂志Revija的封面上Ana is today on the cover of Press Revija, the magazine of popular Serbian newspaper Press.

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最近有传闻说,塞尔维亚后卫布拉尼斯拉夫。伊万诺维奇会加盟斑马军团。Recent reports have linked Serbian defender Branislav Ivanovic with a move to the Bianconeri.

塞尔维亚电视台播出的画面显示,69岁的姆拉迪奇看起来非常的虚弱,行动非常缓慢。Serbian television showed footage of the 69-year-old suspect looking frail and walking slowly.

1992年,卡拉季奇宣布波斯尼亚的塞尔维亚部分独立,并自任总统。In 1992 he declared the Serbian part of Bosnia independent and designated himself as president.