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骂蕾娜是白痴真是一种侮辱。Calling Rena an idiot would be a real insult.

那天中午,丽娜的父亲让丽萍坐到丽娜平时坐的位子上。At noon, Rena father let my wife sat to Rena usually sit at the table.

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明天是陈海山的生日,梅青希望丽娜能够让他开心一些。Tomorrow is ChenHaiShan birthday, MeiQing hope Rena can make him happy some.

到单位,我把小姚的意思原原本本地对丽娜说了。To the unit, ground of my meaning from beginning to end Xiaoyao said to Rena.

丽娜还说如果她要是不爱荣生,可以选择离婚,楚楚也答应了。Rena says if if she doesnt love RongSheng, can choose divorce, delicate and also promised.

荣生跟陈海山来到他的家里,看丽娜没事荣生这下放下心来。RongSheng with ChenHaiShan came to his home, see Rena nothing RongSheng this lower down to.

原名王丽娜,1980年生于黑龙江哈尔滨。诗人、自由撰稿人。现居西安。Rena Wang, poet and freelance writer. Born in Harbin, China in 1980. She lives in Xian, China.

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大教堂旁边,有一家大型百货商店丽娜馨特,可以去看一看。The cathedral, there is a large beside department stores Rena warm-hearted te, can go take a look.

丽娜见到回到家里见到父亲口中的老婆,那个比自己都小的梅青,让丽娜不知道该如何称呼。Rena see back home to see his father mouth wife, that than are small MeiQing, let Rena dont know how to call.

荣生回到办公室里,将桌子上的东西全部都掀了,丽娜让他陪自己散散步来释放下心情。RongSheng back to the office, will table the things all lift, Rena let him go for a walk to release the mood.

荣生准备带着儿子回家去,唐家岭拆了丽娜想留荣生下来看看未来的唐家岭。RongSheng ready to take the son go home, TangGuLing down Rena want to leave RongSheng down to see the future TangGuLing.

至于荣生是否真的会到陈海山公司上班,丽娜也表示怀疑,从楚楚的眼中丽娜看到了哀伤和绝望。As for RongSheng really going to ChenHaiShan company work, Rena also expressed doubt, from clear eyes Rena see sorrow and despair.

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但由于“雷纳”号搁浅的地方临近海岸,泄漏的油污仍然会破坏河口地区原有的生态环境。But because the Rena is close to shore, the oil could still foul delicate estuaries in an area known for its pristine environment.

美国心理协会丽娜·萨波尼克研究员研究过关于人从孩子到成年人的创造力成长过程。Rena Subotnik, a researcher with the American Psychological Association, has studied children’s progression into adult creative careers.

梅青找到丽娜跟她商量着如何处理现在家里的关系,丽娜根本就不会接受现实的这一切。MeiQing find Rena consult with her with how to deal with the relationship between the now home, Rena wouldnt accept the reality of it all.

在那段时期,他与女主人德-瑞娜夫人传出绯闻,后来他的生活进一步坚定了他向上层攀爬的野心和虚伪的作风。In that period, he has a love affair with his mistress, Mrs. Dee Rena. Later his life further strengthens his climbing ambitions and hypocritical style.

芸芸来到绮华的办公室,想劝服丽娜不要控告国邦,她更以帮助丽娜成为大品牌新代言人为条件来说服她。To yee China office, want to persuade Rena dont accuse the states, she is more to help become a brand new spokesperson for Rena conditions to convince her.

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大宝在蓝海大厦当着保安,一个自称是陈董事长的女儿丽娜响着要见董事长,大宝拦都没有拦住。Big treasure in the blue ocean building in the presence of security, a claim to be the daughter of President Chen Rena rang to see the chairman, dabao block are not stopped.

丽娜在旁边想跟一帆解释,可是一帆根本就不听,一帆打了荣生几拳希望他能够醒过来了,丽娜实在看不下去了,将事情的真相说出了出来。Rena beside YiFan want to explain, but YiFan dont listen, YiFan played RongSheng a few boxing hope he can wake up, Rena can not bear to look at it, will speak out the truth of the matter.

加利福尼亚大学研究员黛比萨克斯比、热那格莱斯奇和同事一起用三天时间通过摄像机、采访以及问卷追踪调查了30对双收入家庭。Researchers Darby Saxbe and Rena Graesch of the University of California and colleagues tracked 30 dual-earner couples around their homes for three days, using video cameras, interviews and surveys.