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设计一台新仪器。Devise a new instrument.

布拉迪给出的最好建议就是准备一套备选方案。The best advice Brady said is to devise a plan B.

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为什么我呆坐着设计筹划呢?Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans?

谋善的必得慈爱和诚实。but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.

孩子们在设法构想挣钱的妙策。The boys are trying to devise some scheme of earning money.

他和总领已多次讨论过这圣器。He and the master had many times discussed the Great Devise.

设计保单并不那么容易,仅仅一条概念太单薄了。It's not easy to devise this and the concept is very simple.

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没有一种绝对可靠的方法消灭夏天的蝇虫。He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.

他试图发明一种安全得连小孩子都可以用的消灭白蚁的方法。He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.

白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.

祸哉,那些在床上图谋罪孽,造作奸恶的。Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds!

设计这么残忍的爆炸计划的人心有多狠毒啊!What kind of diabolical mind would devise such a diabolic scheme?

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由于被自大冲昏头脑,他甚至想出邪恶的计谋和撒下纷争的种子。Puffed up in self-conceit, he may also devise evil and sow discord.

我把这些文稿拿在手里摇晃着,想给自己更多的慰藉。I wagged the pages in my hand, trying to devise further consolations.

但是你无法设计出涵盖未来可能发生的全部事情的书面规约。But you can’t devise written rules to cover every possible futureevent.

导致曼达洛人设计出约束根代人的方法。Leave it to the Mandalorians to devise a means of restraining a Gen'Dai.

如何修复错误与未定义的错误和设计轨道的康康舞?How to fix an error with undefined error with cancan and devise in rails?

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你的邻舍,既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.

本文探讨了书标分类打印系统的设计与实现方法。This paper discussed how to devise the printing bookmark classified system.

代办别人代理顾问建议校订者想出一个根除恶习的计策。The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise advice for getting rid of vice.