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往南开的A列地铁上写着“布鲁克林”。The southbound A trains say Brooklyn.

所有南下的列车都从第一月台开出。All southbound trains leave from platform one.

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高速公?上往南行使的行车道被关闭了。The southbound carriageway of the motorway be closed.

南向的车道因为一起事故而关闭了。The southbound lane is closed because of an accident.

在南行途中,他一度往返于处州。In the southbound journey, he was from the State Department.

环扣式航线的南下航次从上海开始。The Southbound Voyage of the Loop Service begins at Shanghai.

一辆卡车小心翼翼地行驶在加州第5号州际公路上。A truck makes its way carefully along the southbound Interstate 5.

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在大苦湖下锚等候南行船队并报告。Drop anchor at Great Bitter Lake for awaiting Southbound convoy and report.

我们首次开始对南去的铁路运输实行百分之百的检查。For the first time, we’ve begun screening 100 percent of southbound rail shipments.

在鹅开始秋季南巡迁徙前,他们也还在蒙古捕获并标记了38只鹅。They also captured and tagged a total of 38 geese in Mongolia before their autumn southbound trip.

汽车穿过了前面两条车道,接着又冲过了那两条南向车道,车身居然没有碰上任何东西。Moving across the first two lanes, the car shot across the two southbound lanes without receiving a scratch.

然而,在南车线机的利润在2008年的事件会引起很大的负面影响。However, the incident on the southbound truck line machine profits in 2008 would cause a big negative impact.

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飞机正在下降至一个南北走向的山谷里,任何侧向的偏差都是极其危险的。The jet was southbound , descending into a valley that runs north–south, and any lateral deviation was dangerous.

在此希望牠与牠的后代在北飞时,能躲过那些南移大学生车子的挡风玻璃。S. in the spring. Here's hoping it and its northbound progeny avoid the windshields of southbound college students.

刷漆时应采用勤沾、短刷的原则,防止刷子带漆太多而流坠。Painting Peregrine adopted when James and the short brush, brush to prevent the flow with too many southbound crash.

但他说,所有南行车辆进行检查,阻碍联邦合法的数以万计的自由流动。But he says federal inspections of all southbound vehicles are impeding the rightful free movement of tens of thousands.

附近区域有需多道路因此而关闭,到现在交通回堵,在往南方向特别壅塞难行。Some of the roads in that area have been closed, and, presently, traffic is backed up, especially in the southbound lanes.

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两辆车都为两个皮卡在352号干线南行线的红灯等候的卡车相撞,警方说。Both vehicles then crashed into two pickup trucks waiting at the red light in the southbound lanes of Route 352, police said.

据初步调查,当时沿西九龙公路南行的巴士翻侧。Initial reports said that the bus side-turned when it was travelling along the southbound carriageway of West Kowloon Highway.

一列在西湖站南下月台的列车,因不明原因传出焦臭味,引起乘客恐慌。A southbound train at the platform in Xihu station began to emit a burnt smell for unknown reasons, causing panic amongst passengers.