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让我们商讨一下这个问题。Let's thresh out this problem.

天气好的话,我们就打麦。We shall thresh the wheat, weather permitting.

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在一些村子里,农民用机器来打麦。In some villages farmers use a machine to thresh wheat.

最后他来到了阿纳金和帕德美的卧室,他站在门口。At Last he reached Anakin and Padmé's bedroom and stood at the thresh hold.

如果我们集思广益,也许能讨论出一个切实可行的计划。If we lay our heads together, we can probably thresh out a workable scheme.

数据指的是收割和打谷可一次操作完成的自动机械。Data refer to self-propelled machines that reap and thresh in one operation.

这样农民使可以收获,脱粒,然后就完事了。The farmers can then harvest his peas and thresh them and be done with them.

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线性代数和概率书看了一遍,书上例题反复做了好多次。Linear algebra and probability book looked, thresh of the example on the book a lot of.

像老鹰在风雨中翱翔,像弄潮儿在海浪中搏击。Fly high in a rainstorm like an eagle. Thresh about in a rough sea like a beach swimmer.

如此反复做5分钟,可以改善腿及脚部的血液循环状况。Such thresh 5 minutes, can improve the haemal circulation condition of leg and crural ministry.

不知道积攒多少次,才能勉强打出点麦粒,磨成面,吃上一顿“白的”。I don't know how many times I should amass only to thresh and ground wheat to flour to have a "white".

例如他们搞出同时成熟的豌豆品种,这样农民便可以收获、脱粒,一次完事。They work out, say, peas that will ripen all at once. The farmer can then harvest his peas and thresh them and be done with them.

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该机以一根立轴联接螺旋板齿脱粒滚筒、上排杂风扇和下轴流风扇,并驱动其旋转。The helical plate tooth threshing cylinder, the top thresh fan and the undershot fan are connected and driven by a vertical shaft.

模拟场上碾压脱粒的压送式脱粒装置,在国内外未见相关报道,具有一定的创新性。It was a innovation to design press thresh mechanism by simulating field roll, the relevant report of those has not seen at home and abroad.

富人家有石板地面,冬天受潮后会很滑,因此他们在地上铺灯芯草,这样才能走得稳。The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter, when wet, so, they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing.

祂的能力要沛然下降在渺小如虫的我们身上,使我们得以翻身,震动群山。His strength shall be poured into us till the worm shall thresh the mountains, and a nothing shall be victor over all the high and mighty ones.

看哪,我已使你成为有快齿打粮的新器具,你要把山岭打得粉碎,使冈陵如同糠。See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff.

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该设计轻巧紧凑,可以边收获边脱粒,而且在脱粒时稻禾不易被割断。The utility model which is deft and compact can simultaneously harvest and thresh. When the utility model does not thresh, rice straws are not easy to cut off.

按说打场羽毛球也不算啥剧烈运动啊,昨天我也就是比划了那么几下子,今天起来这屁股咋就这么疼呢,有点如坐针毡的感觉。Ordinarily not thresh grain badminton life strenuous exercise ah, yesterday I was moving so few Now, today with this ass Why do so on pain, it's a feeling of putting the heat.

从幼儿园至十年级的学生们也学习如何种植并脱粒稻米,如何制作陶器和纸张。The students, whose levels range from kindergarten to 10th grade, are also learning to grow and thresh rice and how to make ceramics and paper from materials found on the school site.