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这孩子是领的。This child is adopted.

老两口收养了一个儿子。The old couple adopted a son.

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她只是当时被我小姨收养了。She just was adopted by my aunt.

他们立一个孤儿为继承人。They adopted an orphan as an heir.

哪个角色是被领养带大的呢?Which of the characters is adopted?

夜郎自大,成不了事实。Arrogant and adopted into the facts.

在什么情况下应采用光纤到户?At what point should FTTH be adopted?

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可是没有一个中国人领养她。But not a single Chinese adopted her.

至爱至亲的阿格尼斯,我的义姐!Dear, sweet Agnes, my adopted sister!

如此线力气喇叭筒被采用。So linear power amplifier is adopted.

弗莱格一直都知道自己是被领养的。Flaig had always known he was adopted.

他的养子上周出国了。His adopted son went abroad last week.

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那个国家采取了新闻检查制度。That country adopted press censorship.

他入赘于新娘家中。He was adopted into the bride's family.

可根据用户要求做成夹套型。Jacket type might be adopted on request.

我母亲四岁时被人领养。My mother was adopted when she was four.

她被迫把婴儿给人领养。She was forced to have her baby adopted.

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全机采用进口电脑控制。The machine is adopted imported computer.

一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.

不仅如此,它还是开放的,并且被广泛采用。Once again, it is open and widely adopted.