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作为一个孩子,亚历克西斯洛克人经常去美国自然史博物馆。As a child, Alexis Rockman often visited the American Museum of Natural History.

另边厢,乐民儿子离奇死亡,死因怪异,妻子更吓至魂飞魄散。On the other hand, Rockman 's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously.

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从南极回来之后,他开始思索如何将目睹的皑皑白雪冰川表现出来。Upon returning from Antarctica, Rockman had to decide how to represent all the ice he saw down there.

洛克人经常出现的性质由一个生存与死亡的生命和无休止的重复斗争的定义。Rockman often shows nature as defined by a struggle for survival with a never-ending repetition of life and death.

“这幅作品更多的是在取笑生态旅游的主观性,以及横行无忌或失败的可控愿景,”洛克曼说。"It's more of a joke about the subjectivity of ecotourism and visions of control that run amok, or fail," Rockman said.

“这幅作品更多的是在取笑生态旅游的主观性,以及横行无忌或失败的可控愿景,”洛克曼说。"It's more of a joke about the subjectivity of ecotourism and visions of control that run amok, or fail, " Rockman said.

洛克人想象的那样可怕的未来,植物和动物必须送入太空,以保护地球的污染他们。Rockman imagines a terrible future in which plants and animals must be sent into space to protect them from Earth's pollution.

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罗克曼说,他的艺术就是让人们关注美国的环境,经济和政治政策及其结果。Rockman says his art is a way to bring attention to America's environmental, economic and political policies and their results.

这幅作品的灵感来自于一次圭亚那丛林之行,洛克曼采用了一种白描式的绘画手法,有什么就画什么。Inspired by a trip to the jungles of Guyana, this work features Rockman playing it straight, painting only what was in front of him.

为自然破坏的惨剧恸哭,因幸存者旺盛的生命力而感到自豪,在对人类世的描绘上,亚历克西斯·洛克曼堪称是最完美的艺术家。Able to lament the tragedy of nature's disruption and glory in the vitality of its survivors, Alexis Rockman is the perfect artist for the anthropocene.

“当时我在读一本关于兔子挖地洞网络危及飞机跑道结构完整性的书,”洛克曼说。"I was reading about how rabbits had created these underground networks of burrows that were compromising the structural integrity of runways," said Rockman.

“当时我在读一本关于兔子挖地洞网络危及飞机跑道结构完整性的书,”洛克曼说。"I was reading about how rabbits had created these underground networks of burrows that were compromising the structural integrity of runways, " said Rockman.

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今天,我们在华盛顿访问一两个博物馆的建筑内,特区的史密森美国艺术博物馆最近开设了一对纽约艺术家亚历克西斯洛克人表演。Today we visit two museums housed in one building in Washington, DC The Smithsonian American Art Museum recently opened a show on the New York artist Alexis Rockman.