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资金急剧增长。The funds rose sharply.

路突然向右转个弯。The road bends sharply.

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物价骤跌。The prices drop sharply.

小路下倾得很厉害。The walk descends sharply.

汤姆霍地转向黛西。Tom turned to daisy sharply.

他猛吸一口气。He drew in his breath sharply.

顾娟突然起身走开。Gudrun rose sharply and went away.

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那两个人目光犀利地望着他。The two men looked at him sharply.

黑与白形成鲜明的对比。Black contrasts sharply with white.

他狠狠地咬了猎人的脚面。He bit the man in the foot sharply.

她使劲捅了捅我的肋骨。She prodded me sharply in the ribs.

他们就与基甸大大的争闹。And they contended with him sharply.

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股票市场行情急转直下。The stock market turned down sharply.

这所房子的屋顶倾斜得厉害。The roof of the house pitches sharply.

高速公路在这个弯曲处明显地形成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道。The highway banks sharply on this curve.

去岁人均收入剧增。Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.

那年贸易量陡降。The trade volume declined sharply that year.

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就是普遍的不平等现象还在加剧。a sharply increasing in common inequalities.

小而竖立,耳尖锐利,且非常灵活。Small erect, sharply pointed and very mobile.

卡车突然转向以免撞著那孩子。The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.