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在很多时候,说实话。Mostly. Honestly.

有谁知道?Honestly who knows.

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但寔现在皒知道勒,真旳。But now I see, honestly.

说实在的,开头很容易。Well, honestly start easy.

老实讲,我从没有什么计划。A. I honestly never had a plan.

说实话,你会残酷到什么程度?Honestly. How far would you go?

老实说我说不上来。I can't honestly tell you, Sgt.

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笼中鸟很老实地说。The cageling said very honestly.

你是通过诚实的方法弄到那笔钱的吗?Did you come by that money honestly?

老实说,现在我可以为她感到伤心了。And now I can honestly be sad for her.

他真诚地改信了基督教。He honestly converted to Christianity.

说实话我觉得可以。I think, I'm okay with that, honestly.

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你很少坦诚地说话。You occasionally talked very honestly.

我可以坦白地说我们在一起处得很好。I can honestly say we're good together.

但老实说,他比大多数人都调皮。But – honestly – he was trickier than most.

尊重客户、真诚待人。Respect our clients and treat them honestly.

老实讲,我有时间去做那件事吗?Do I honestly have the time to commit to this?

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老实讲,我实在说不好这个笔的笔尖是什么做的。I honestly cannot tell what the nib is made of.

喜欢这句话,喜欢它够坦白。Likes these words, likes it sufficing honestly.

过着邪恶生活的人不会正直地死赴。He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly.