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她是巾帼英雄。She is a heroic woman.

他身上透出一股英气。He shows a heroic spirit.

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威灵顿立在那里,冷峻而英勇。Wellington was coldly heroic.

英雄级的基洛夫将投掷磁暴炸弹。Heroic Kirov's drop Tesla Bombs.

是个捕蚊的小英雄。They are heroic mosquito catchers.

他因其英勇事迹而受表彰。He is honored for his heroic deeds.

它把牺牲者视作英雄般的殉道士。It sees the dead as heroic martyrs.

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就连纵横中国的超级英雄。Even the most heroic heroes in China.

一圆您心中对英雄的梦想。A round your mind right heroic dreams.

高尚的生活,常在壮烈的牺牲中。Noble life, often of heroic sacrifice.

盾象征着凯迪拉克军队的英勇善战。Shield Cadillac symbolizes the heroic army.

我们听到了那清亮的号角。We hear the silver voices of heroic bugles.

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作为英雄的烈士,Ziu的肖像也在那里。Ziu's portrait is there as an heroic martyr.

酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroic spirit soars with shine.

我认为他们正在从事伟大的英雄式的工作。I think they are doing enormously heroic work.

降A大调第六波洛奈兹舞曲,作品53,“英雄”Polonaise No. 6 in A flat major, Op. 53, Heroic.

这人,有他英勇可敬的一面,也有他暧昧可疑的一面。That man had his heroic and his equivocal sides.

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人类曾经用药物来庆祝神异的成功。Man has used drugs to celebrate heroic successes.

许多人都已经听说了这个人的英雄事迹。Many people have heard of the man's heroic deeds.

沧海横流,方显出英雄本色!Sea cross-flow, the heroic qualities of the show!