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她不想只当个簿记员。She doesn't want to be just a bookkeeper.

奶奶的一个姐姐是簿记员。One of Grandma's sisters was a bookkeeper.

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沃尔特是这个哈里·戈登的薄记员。Walter was a bookkeeper for this Harry Gordon.

律师于是用哑语问了会计。The attorney, using sign language, asks the bookkeeper.

我的会计是一位很难看的德国中年妇女。My bookkeeper is a big unattractive German middleaged woman.

玛乔里·库本使用这一技巧帮助了一位35岁的会计。Marjorie Coburn used this technique to help a 35-year-old bookkeeper.

和您的会计师坐下来商谈您的应付账款。Sit down with your accountant or bookkeeper to prioritize your payables.

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处女座穿着熨帖的套装,逢人便说自己是簿记员。Virgo wears a neatly-pressed suit and tells everyone they're a bookkeeper.

处女座穿着熨贴的套装,逢人便说自己是簿记员。Virgo wears a neatly-pressed suit and tells everyone they're a bookkeeper.

也就是说,当会计师比当簿记员难得多。That means being an accountant is much more difficult than being a bookkeeper.

布瑞尔是托兰斯的一个书记员,她有个女儿在加州大学读书。A bookkeeper in Torrance, Burrell has a daughter at the University of California at Davis.

裨益记帐士制度更健全,臻而提升其服务品质。The study helps accredited bookkeeper to complete its system, and then improve its service quality.

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的确,一个聋了的簿记员既然什么也听不见,就不可能在法庭上提供任何证词。The thinking was that a deaf bookkeeper would not hear anything that he might have to testify about in court.

不,那是总帐部门的工作,那个部门就是银行的中央簿记处。No, that's the job of the General Ledger Department. That's the department that is the central bookkeeper for the bank.

对于寄出的发票,是否不允许退回签发人员或应付款记帐人员?Are checks mailed out without allowing them to return to the employee who drew the checks or to the accounts payable bookkeeper?

我并不推荐你们自己亲自去做这件事情,而是在一开始聘请一个兼职簿记员去维护你的财务记录。I do not recommend doing this yourself. I recommend hiring a part-time bookkeeper to maintain your financial records at the start.

皮彻在百忙之中对簿记员说,老板近来好像越发心不在焉,越发容易忘事了。Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the "old man" seemed to get more absent-minded and forgetful every day of the world.

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皮彻忙中偷闲对簿记员说,“头儿”似乎一天比一天心不在焉,且越发健忘。Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the “old man” seemed to get more absent-minded and forgetful every day of the world.

现在,人们对簿记员从事的相当不变的工作与会计师所担任的较复杂的工作做了明显的区分。Today, a sharp distinction is made between the relatively unchanged works performed by a bookkeeper and the more sophisticated duties of the accountants.

作为企业所有者,你常常要扮演多重角色──从簿记员到首席执行官的各种职务──这会让你感到头绪纷杂、混乱无序、筋疲力绝。As a business owner, you often have to juggle multiple roles'everything from bookkeeper to CEO' and that can leave you feeling distracted, disorganized and overwhelmed.