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生意毫无收益。Business was zilch.

在你眼中我只是个普通人。I am just a zilch in your eyes.

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这样的事不可能发生。It has zilch chance of happening.

我来到这个国家时身上一无所有。I arrived in this country with zilch.

我对中国文学没什么了解。I know zilch about Chinese literature.

足以让这个小镇翻天覆地而你却不能去?To hit this nowhere zilch town, and you can't?

买一些世界级球员并没有什么意义。Buying a few established world class players will do zilch.

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如果你没有回答,零,等于零,拉链你是正确的。If you answered nothing, zero, zilch , zip you are correct.

毕竟美国房屋抵押贷款的历史损失率几乎是零。After all, the historical loss rates on American mortgages is close to zilch.

此外,在叙述作家基层生活经历的基础上,得出孙春平对小人物命运及精神状态的关注和探索。In addition, on the base of recounting writer's grass-roots life experience, states Sun Chunping's grope for the fate and spirit of zilch.

但是经过更多的观察和一数字演算之后,天文学家注意到这个行星在2029年撞击地球的可能性微乎其微。A few additional observations and some number-crunching later, astronomers noted that the chance of the planet-killer hitting Earth in 2029 was nearly zilch.

在我看来,自从那些目标在最近变得毫无价值起,政府决定降低增长目标的消息获得了太多的关注。The government's decision to lower its growth target has received way too much attention, in my opinion, since those “targets” have meant zilch in the recent past.