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你计划这次抢案多久了?。How long were you planning this heist?

你可以在软件商店里找到海斯特。You can find The Heist here in the App Store.

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昨晚我家附近的便利商店发生抢案。There was a heist at a convenience store in my neighborhood last night.

实际上,就是他在抢银行被捕时所穿的那套。In fact, it’s the same suit he will be arrested in during his bank heist.

Heist没有发现,直到周一早上保安检查地库的时候。The heist wouldn't be discovered until guards checked the vault on Monday morning.

但相比全球违法交易的总额,这次失窃物品的价值只是区区小数目罢了。But compared with the total annual trade in illicit goods, the heist was small change.

“男爵”正在准备策划一起超完美的银行抢劫案,他的目标是重达3吨的现金,但是又不能用暴力强抢。The Baron wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence.

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这是一种21世纪通过互联网遍布全球的银行抢劫。This was a 21st century bank heist that reached through the Internet to span the globe.

据Loop公司报道,第一天不到一天海斯特的下载数量刚刚超过25,000。As The Loop noted after a partial day 1, The Heist saw download numbers just over 25,000.

2001年11月他在瑞士卢塞恩一家博物馆行窃时被抓。He was caught in November 2001 while trying to pull off a heist from a museum in Lucerne, Switzerland.

强盗片海洋的十一个人和魔幻三部曲,指环王也是这样的。Ocean's Eleven franchise So does the heist film ocean's eleven and the fantasy trilogy , the lord of the ring.

这起盗窃案被称为本世纪最大的盗窃案,而且直到现在,警察都没有侦破到底他们是如何盗窃的。The robbery was called the heist of the century, and even now the police can't explain exactly how it was done.

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这位现年30多岁且未被公布姓名的男子曾因偷盗行为被警方逮捕过3次,而每次作案都使得他离死神又靠近了一步。The unnamed man in his 30s has been arrested three times and each heist has brought him closer to the hereafter.

在这个戒备最森严的紫禁城艺术品被盗的传闻周二时冲击了中国的电脑世界。Rumor of the art heist inside the heavily fortified Forbidden City Palace began to hit China's cyber world Tuesday.

现在南海所有波澜也主要反应以美国为代表的同盟国各怀鬼胎焦虑不安。South China Sea now all waves is also the main reaction in the United States on behalf of the Confederate heist anxiety.

然而在现实生活中,确实有名画被盗。引人发笑的是,影片中诺博士一直是盗窃的幕后黑手。The painting had just been stolen in real life and the joke for viewers was that Dr No had been behind the heist all along.

第二场追车戏发生在白天,起因是抢劫失手,史模范挂了。The second car chase takes place during the day and begins with the heist gone wrong, which leaves Standard dead at the scene.

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持械刼匪扮成圣诞老人,除下武装打劫角色,告诉银行客户他要为他顽皮的小孩找数。An armed robber dressed as Father Christmas pulled off an armed heist in character telling bank customers 'he had to pay his elves'.

行动和未来的英国演员汤姆哈代次的主伪造埃姆斯谁可以模拟人的梦想,他希望在世界援助的抢劫。Up and coming British actor Tom Hardy plays the master-forger Eames who can impersonate anyone he wants in the dream world to aid the heist.

一群保安护卫公司的职员由于缺钱决定冒险抢劫自己公司押运的千万巨款。A crew of officers for an armored transport security firm risks their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company.