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这折下是明显地开始出现了。This kink is beginning to be obvious now!

把铁丝拉紧,别让它扭成结。Keep the wire stretched tight don't let it kink.

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当然不排除wordnik的统计数据有误的可能。Of course it could be that the wordnik stats feature has a kink in it.

今天,在错综复杂的食物链上,问题可能出现在任何环节。Today, problems can arise from any link or kink in a convoluted food chain.

摄入过多或过少的能量会在大脑中形成一个结构微妙的扭结。Too much or too little energy throws a kink in the brain’s delicate machinery.

一个转折点,应用在杂色函数。在创建虚肿的或崎岖不平的效果特别有用。Applies a kink in the noise function. Useful for creating puffy or bumpy effects.

膝折构造控制了川东地区天然气藏的形成与分布。Kink structure controls natural gas generation and distribution in the East Sichuan.

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小心的往后拉入颅线,扭结应处于单孔的底端。Carefully pull back the access line. The kink should be in the bottom of the burr hole.

由此一来,这套“备份”方案等同于废纸一张,因为我们根本没有任何思想准备去应付航班取消带来的问题。So we really weren't prepared to cope with a cancellation or any other kink in our plans.

布线时要用暗管敷设,导线在管内不应有接头和扭结。When you use the wiring laying underground pipe, wire in the pipes should be joint and kink.

我在模特网站上建立了一个主页,到第二年二月时我已经申请与Kink.com网合作。I set up a page on a model networking site and by February I had applied to work with

马东和宗凤经历了着纠结和煎熬后,母子终于相认。Ma Dong and Zong Feng were being experienced kink and after sufferring, mother child admit eventually.

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不锈钢管比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper, but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment.

不得扭缠电极。扭缠电极可对电极造成额外张力,这有可能导致电极断裂。Do not kink leads. Kinking leads may cause additional stress on the leads, possibly resulting in lead fracture.

托卡马克等离子体中高能粒子可以激发一种称为鱼骨模的内扭曲模。A special kind of internal kink mode, the fishbone, can be excited by the energetic particles in tokamak plasma.

在托卡马克等离子体中,高能粒子可以激发一种称为鱼骨模的内扭曲模。A special kind of internal kink mode, the fishbone, can be excited by the energetic particles in tokamak plasmas.

把脱水水泥浆与水泥熟料或硅酸盐水泥复合,可以得到一种新型的水硬性胶凝材料。By blending Portland cement and pulverized dehydrated cement paste, a new kink of cementing material is obtained.

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玥玥,这是你最近一次参加公众活动的矫健身影,你会很快回到这个状态滴!Yue, this is the energetic image you have in your latest public activity, you will be back to this kink of state!

细小纤维含量和纤维扭结指数降低,纤维平均长度和纤维粗度增加。The fines content and kink index of fiber obviously decreased while the fiber length and fiber coarseness increased.

单个请求可使用标准方式处理,而成批请求则有些古怪,您需要对此有所了解。Individual requests are handled in a standard manner, but the batch requests have a kink that you need to understand.