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孤独的一个人,不孤独的雨滴。A lonely person, not lonely raindrop.

雨点拍打着窗玻璃。The raindrop was beating against the windowpanes.

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雨点拍打着窗玻璃。The raindrop was beating against the window-panes.

建设一个更美好的捕鼠器,一个雨滴的时间。Building a better mousetrap, one raindrop at a time.

你们像雨点一般从天边落下。You like the raindrop falling from the fringe of sky.

最后,大约一百万的微小水滴集合在一起,形成一个雨点。Finally, after about a million tiny droplets have joined, a raindrop has formed.

雨滴溅湿窗台,不知谁的思念被拆开,掉落一颗颗珠泪。The raindrop splash window, do not know who miss was opened, many teardrops fall.

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时间的流逝,似乎只存在于从滂沱到零落的雨滴之中。The passage in time, seem to exist in from torrentially get to scattered raindrop.

下雨了,雨点溅在款冬叶子上发出好听的声音。When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the butterbur leaf.

汇金公司的增持更是雷声大雨点小。Collects the golden company to increase holds is the thunderclap big raindrop is small.

采用雨流法完成载荷循环计数过程,并使该过程实现可视化。The counting process of load cycles is fulfilled to make use of "the raindrop flow method".

雨点打在窗户上,就像是战鼓雷鸣,万马奔腾。The raindrop dozen seem war drum thunder Ming on the window and ten thousand horses dash about.

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我知道雨点商场是全国十佳商场之一,但为什么顾客这样简单的要求都满足不了呢?I know that Raindrop Department Store is one of the "Ten Best Department Stores" in the country.

从本质上讲,Raindrop是在减少噪音,只保留有价值的信息。Essentially, Raindrop is cutting out the noise and pulling in the information that is actually of interest.

另一个方面是对DISDROMETER仪器测量的雨滴资料进行分析研究。The second is about the analysis of the raindrop size distribution data observed by the DISDROMETER instrument.

细细的叶上悬挂着一滴水滴,该水滴折射出了它后面的绿草。这张图片是在我家后院拍摄到的。Photograph of a raindrop hanging on a thin leaf, with the refraction of the grass behind it, taken in my backyard.

采用雨流法完成载荷循环计数过程,并使该过程实现可视化。The counting process of load cycles is fulfilled to make use of "the raindrop flow method". Visualization in the process is achieved.

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雨滴色斑面积叠合度是影响滤纸法测算雨滴滴谱精度的主要因素。The degree of the overlapping raindrop stains is a main factor influencing the accuracy evaluating the distribution of the raindrops.

我们认为地球上水资源是无限的,这句话只对了一半,因为每一滴雨水都会汇入海洋而海洋里的水又能蒸发到天空中。Our trust in Earth's infinite generosity was half right, as every raindrop will run to the ocean, and the ocean will rise into the firmament.

2002年4月4—5日河南省出现了层状云降水天气,临颖、孟津两站进行了地面雨滴谱观测。The surface raindrop spectra of stratiformis precipitation on April 4—5,2002 were measured in Mengjin and Linying stations in Henan Province.