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永恒真理诸法是真实性。The reality of all dharma.

谁用佛法护佑我们?who blesses us with the Dharma?

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你参加过佛法课程吗?Have you attended Dharma classes?

一定要令正法常住于世。We must perpetuate the Proper Dharma.

六字明咒光现法界。Six syllables shine in the dharma realm.

尔时法藏闻佛所说。When Dharma Store listened to The Buddha.

当达尔玛被忽略时,麻烦就开始了。When dharma is neglected, troubles begin.

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河流溪谷法音流布。Dharma voices sweep over rivers and valleys.

让我给你另一个佛法无边的例子。I'll give you an example of power of Dharma.

为什麽佛弟子自己灭了佛呢?Why did Buddha's disciple kill Buddha dharma?

一切诸佛之所称赞。All The Buddhas also praise this Dharma School.

达尔玛的意思是职业,你无法改变的职业。Dharma means occupation, which you cannot change.

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我花三万元钱,叫灵英那儿的工厂做的。It took me 30,000 yuan to have the Dharma Gems made.

特别为法鼓山青年会所创作。This song is specially written for Dharma Drum Youth.

一颗到达自心的心,就是已经到达涅盘的心。A mind reaching itself is a mind which has known dharma.

愿您的奉献,增长菩提道上的资粮。May your devotion and path to Dharma practices increase.

据我所知还没有其他大法王或大师能做得到!I know of no other dharma king or master who can do this!

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但是我参加过一些佛法的讲座,并看了一些有关佛法的书。But I attend some Dharma talks and read some Dharma books.

锡金正法之门在此开启。The gate to the sublime Dharma was therefore opened there.

法界还是十法界,井然不乱。The ten Dharma Realms are still in order and not mixed up.