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医生对此类病患的经验并不算少。Doctors have no paucity of experience with these patients.

巴什称,从一定程度上来说,正是由于得不到这种帮助,女性的职业抱负随着时间的推移而减弱。The paucity of such assistance partly explains why women's

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在中国提供出缺乏的精确数据,将会是极其具有价值的。Given the paucity of accurate data in China, this would be extremely valuable.

这些及其他问题的解决都因为缺乏数据而收到阻碍。Grappling with these and other questions have been hindered by a paucity of data.

缺乏数据的另外一个原因是,疾病流行国家缺乏疾病监测。Another reason for the paucity of data is the lack of disease surveillance in endemic countries.

最后,研究者们提到他们为现有证据的缺乏和薄弱而感到沮丧。Overall, the researchers say they were dismayed with the paucity and weakness of the existing evidence.

富国把它的相对资本短缺程度降到交易美联时的“购入”财务水平。Wells puts its relative capital paucity down to “purchase” accounting at the time of the Wachovia deal.

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很少资料可以用来指导治疗对伏立康唑不起反应的曲菌病。In patients whose aspergillosis is refractory to voriconazole, a paucity of data exist to guide management.

接受网站调查的许多男性受访者试图对他们缺乏内裤自圆其说。Many of the male respondents to the site's survey tried to justify the paucity of their underwear provision.

体育场所的短缺、学校运动项目的缺失、吝啬的政府拨款和人才基础的薄弱,是印度的主要问题。Experts cite the lack of sports venues, a paucity of sports programs and stingy government funding as primary factors.

缺乏有关的数据,乌多坎的沉淀物不能适应这种形式在长期的历史形成中。The paucity of data regarding the Udokan deposit makes understanding this system difficult in terms of Earth history events.

在过去,监测系统的缺乏意味着发展中国家缺乏关于疾病的最新信息。In the past, the paucity of surveillance systems has meant developing countries have lacked up-to-date information on diseases.

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缺乏自我控制,丰富的自我放纵连同所谓自恋会使情况变得更糟。The paucity of self-control, the abundance of self-indulgence together with what is called narcissism make the situation worse.

史学界对于后金与朝鲜的关系,局限于中国史料,很少有人研究。Due to the paucity of the Chinese historical materials, few scholars have researched the relations between the Later Jin and Korea.

赫勒声称,由于用于研究的毛细胞数量稀缺,从而阻碍了他们进一步了解听觉的分子基础。One of the roadblocks to understanding the molecular basis of hearing is the paucity of hair cells available for study, Heller said.

但这次事件也突显出中国在投资美国国债和其它美元资产之外,缺乏可行的替代投资品。But the events have also underscored the paucity of serious alternatives China has to investing in Treasurys and other dollar assets.

由此带来的是表达上的不足,拖拖拉拉的想象,还有对整个故事精神的吸收也会不甚完整。And as obvious becomes one's paucity of expression, one's weak-kneed imagination, one's imperfect assimilation of the spirit of the story.

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这里在传统上被认为是大卫宫殿的所在地,尽管缺乏相关证据,但前来参观的游人仍是络绎不绝。Traditionally believed to be the site of King David's palace, it is a major tourist draw despite a paucity of evidence that he built there.

由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会与外界是隔绝的。而通讯工具的不足则使这种。The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of tansport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.

这个特点的具体反映是日本的退步和寡助,中国的进步和多助。These characteristics are concretely reflected in Japan's retrogression and paucity of support and in China's progress and abundance of support.