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这是2014年孵化的第一只鸮鹦鹉。This chick is the first Kakapo hatched in 2014.

我们真的应该为枭鹦依然与人类生活在一起而欢欣鼓舞。We really should be inspired by the fact that the Kakapo is still with us.

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据估计鸮鹉有667个起作用的嗅觉感受器。The team estimates that the kakapo has 667 functional olfactory receptor genes.

枭鹦与绝种的渡渡鸟的生命历史十分相似。Really the kakapo has a very similar life history to that iconic extinct bird the Dodo.

饲养者使用一种柔和的黏合剂把鸟蛋聚合在一起,希望里面的薄膜和鸮鹦鹉雏鸟不受伤害。The keepers used a gentle adhesive to hold the egg together, hoping that the membrane inside and the baby Kakapo weren't damaged.

这是残存的卡克布种群的母群落,这也给自然资源保护主义者们另外一次恢复卡克布种群的机会。It was the mother lode of the remaining kakapo population, and it provided conservationists with another opportunity to rehabilitate the species.

鸮鹉是世界上唯一不会飞的鹦鹉,也是唯一一种受新西兰本土引入物种威胁的鸟类。As the world’s only flightless parrot, the kakapo is a truly unique bird which is threatened by introduced species in its native home of New Zealand.

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自然资源保护主义者第一次寻找这种鹦鹉的行动很令人沮丧---原来卡克布经常出没的区域都已经空空荡荡,只有少数几只鸮鹦鹉还栖息在那里。Conservationists were disheartened by their first efforts to find the parrots — old kakapo haunts were empty, and only a handful of birds were located.

鸮鹦鹉种群快速萎缩,因此鸮鹦鹉作为曾经的新西兰数量第三大的鸟类,不久便只在这个国家的一些小小的飞地上苟延残喘了。Kakapo numbers quickly shrank so that, once New Zealand's third most populous bird, they soon only lived in small enclaves scattered around the country.

自然资源保护者采取激烈的方法将所有生存的鸮鹉迁到没有天敌的岛屿上,才避免了这种奇异鸟类的灭绝。Conservationists have taken the drastic measure of removing all surviving kakapo to predator-free islands, so far averting the extinction of this remarkable bird.

然而,尽管我们给这些岛屿造成了毁坏,尽管我们引进了食肉动物,但是枭鹦仍然坚持存活了下来。And yet somehow, Kakapo is still with us despite all the devastation we have wrought on these islands and with all the introduced predators we have brought here, Kakapo have managed to hang on.