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我们在那儿创建一个自由主义阵营。We'll create a libertarian corner over here.

他也是美国的自由主义卡托研究所研究员。He's also a fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

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在军队征兵方面放任自由主义者是什么态度?What is the libertarian position on the military draft?

你觉得你是自由主义运动的一份子吗?Do you feel that you are part of a libertarian movement?

现在,自由主义之队,朱莉娅,约翰,亚历克斯。Now, while the- while team libertarian Julia, John, Alex.

奥地利学派的自由主义倾向仍拥有其拥趸。The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans.

自由主义者对洛克的失望在于两点。The libertarian has two grounds for disappointment in Locke.

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自由主义者反对再分配怎么不对了?What's wrong with the libertarian case against redistribution?

表面上看,洛克是自由主义的强力盟友。On the face of it, Locke is a powerful ally of the libertarian.

我们现在已经听了一些对自由主义的反对声。So far we've heard some objections to the libertarian argument.

自由主义者说,这也违反了个人的自由权。Libertarian say that's also a violation of the right to liberty.

在一个放任自由主义的社会中,污染环境者毁坏环境不会免掉惩罚吧?In a libertarian society, wouldn't polluters get away with destroying

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但是,却深深违背了互联网的自由精神。But that runs against the deeply held libertarian ethos of the Internet.

他们说,你不能仅从这个事实来判断。Libertarian says you can't know just from the facts I've just given you.

我们已经听了很多,对自由主义的反对。Now, we've already heard a number of objections to the libertarian argument.

那种自由主义的世界观既不现实,也是低级愚蠢的。That sort of Libertarian world view is both unrealistic and, frankly, silly.

我想听听你们对,自由主义第三种观点的态度。Now, I want to get your reactions to this third feature of the libertarian view.

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分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

即使还是年轻人的时候,我都从来没想过会当大学教授或自由主义者。As a youngster I never even thought about being a college professor or libertarian.