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再加上。V Plus V.

因此等于RT除以。V RT over V.

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这是。vi This is v of i.

退出并签封。Exit and sign out v.

对某事洗手不干…Wash one's hand of v.

我们控制温度T和体积。V Let's control T and V.

你们的神是永生的神。Your God is alive, v. 10.

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你将去奥尔本学习?V you will study in auburn.

你想要的任何地方。Enthalpy is just u plus p V.

威丽优质伦敦口味纯干杜松子酒。Wembley London Dry Gin N. V.

另一边是v△t The other one is v delta t.

现在两边同时乘以vNow, multiply both sides by v.

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我们必须为此而再次感谢神。Read v. 9 again. You know God.

把气体状态方程代入得到V除以。T It's just equal to V over T.

这个手势的手掌是朝里面的。That is a V with palm inwards.

有人猜到,V,是什么了吗?Does anyone have a guess for v?

是非常非常特别的。V is very, very extra-ordinary.

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V字仇杀队---娜塔莉.波特曼Natalie Portman — V for Vendetta

G全称的含义是成功的马球运动。Victory horse polo game V. H. P.

搬运地毯和各种道具。V. to haul around rugs and props.