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菲戈有一手绝活儿。Figo has a special flair.

乔有语言天赋。Jo has flair for language.

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她有语言天才。She has a flair for languages.

不要只做托马斯和次头转。Don't just do Flair and Head-spins.

西班牙找到他们的优势,挺进世界盃冠军赛。Spain finds its flair to reach WCup final.

具有远见卓识、善于博取公众的老板?A visionary boss with a flair for publicity?

我喜欢纽兰兹,因为他十分有音乐天赋。I like Newlands because he had a musical flair about him.

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在第四章里,你会学习到如何添加功能到你的动作中。In Chapter 4, you'll learn how to add flair to your actions.

接着福特牺牲了所有肌肉的天资制造出了这个。Then Ford sacrificed all that muscular flair and created this.

对创新的鉴别力是你人生的重要成分。Your flair for the creative takes an important place in your life.

但仍然,要想拿到,你们得表现出一点资质。A Still, to get an A, you've got to show some flair for the subject.

原型供应国际菜肴和当地的欧洲风格的最爱。Kiyan serves international cuisine and local favorites with European flair.

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配上袖扣却不戴领带,哈哈那将绝对是潇洒不羁却风度翩翩。Wear cuff links without a tie. It will give you a rakish yet elegant flair.

也许这些球员不具备梅西、卡卡那样不可思议的才华,但谁能具备?They may not have the magical flair of a Lionel Messi or a Kaka, but who does?

这双雅致俊逸的袖扣,可为衬衫或西装增添时尚点缀与独特气质。This elegant pair of cuff links adds style and flair to a smart shirt or suit.

FLAIR序列有助于鉴别表皮样囊肿和蛛网膜囊肿。FLAIR sequence is helpful to differentiate epidermoid cyst from arachnoid cyst.

当然,巴西队总归还是巴西队,依然是那么地才华横溢、技术出众。Of course, this is still Brazil, so there is still flair and technique aplenty.

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他们的批评者似乎对他们很气愤,因为他们在自我抬高/标榜上很有天分。Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion.

在FLAIR图像所见的高信号边界很可能是由于周围水肿。The indistinct hyperintense margins on FLAIR are likely due to surrounding edema.

但马拉多纳所能带来的仅次于夺冠之外的最美好的事物就是他的激情和天赋了。But the emotion and flair Mr Maradona provided were the next-best thing to winning.