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杜鹃属的系统发育与进化。The phylogeny and evolution of Rhododendron.

中国杜鹃树属的新分类群。New taxa of the genus Rhododendron from China.

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却有杜鹃能劝道,不如归。Rhododendron can be coaxed there is better return.

园林寂寞无客燕,一段春是杜鹃。I work off Yan garden, a spring is the rhododendron.

他仿佛觉得现在那棵山踯躅感到幸福了。It seemed to him that the rhododendron was happy now.

广西苗儿山杜鹃属一新种。A new species of Rhododendron from Miaoershan, Guangxi.

我一直以来都想在那里栽一丛杜鹃花。I always wanted a rhododendron bush planted just there.

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中国杜鹃花属高山杜鹃亚组新分类群。New taxa of Rhododendron subsection Lapponica from China.

那雾锁的山谷中新透杜鹃凄凉的悲哀叫喊。That lock fog valley through rhododendron bleak new sad shouting.

它也影响公园内的灌木,如杜鹃和山茶花。It can also affect garden shrubs, such as rhododendron and camellia.

红色是国花红杜鹃的颜色,蓝色代表和平。Red is the color of Rhododendron State bonus, blue represents peace.

奈杰尔•汤普金斯从嘴里啐出一口杜鹃花。Nigel Tompkins spat a cluster of rhododendron leaves out of his mouth.

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杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心!Rhododendron Zaibai carefree tears, infinite heart Jingwei reclamation!

杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心。Rhododendron Zaibai carefree tears, infinite heart Jingwei reclamation.

中国杜鹃花属火红杜鹃花亚组的研究。A study on the genus Rhododendron L. subsection Neriiflora Sleumer in China.

有7种杜鹃生长于这种硬叶栎类林下亚层。There are 7 species of Rhododendron occurs in the sub-stratum of this kind of forest.

云锦杜鹃是具有较高观赏价值和利用价值的野生珍稀植物。Rhododendron fortunei is a wild ornamental plant with highly appreciative and useful value.

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百里山杜鹃地区杜鹃属的调查报告。A preliminary survey of the genus Rhododendron L. of "Hundred Li Rhododendron" region in Guizhou.

广西四种特有杜鹃生物学特性的初步研究。A preliminary study on the biological characteristics of four species of Rhododendron from Guangxi.

它是常青灌木类植物,在加拿大和美国生长在大片密集区域。Rhododendron plants are evergreen shrubs often forming dense growths in Canada and in the United States.