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来吧,从圣火中,盘旋转动。Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre.

主轴线回转的光栅修理起来。The main grating fix up in the gyre axis.

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在不断变大的大漩涡中,即使是这些大公司也将会分裂成为一个个碎片。In the widening gyre the greatest of them have splintered into matchwood.

戈尔茨坦研究了漂浮在北太平洋环流系统的臭名昭著的垃圾岛。She is studying the now infamous garbage patch in the North Pacific gyre in the Pacific Ocean.

在太平洋是一个缓慢旋转系统的电流称为北太平洋亚热带涡旋。In the Pacific Ocean is a slowly rotating system of currents called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.

螺旋意象的积极运用是叶芝诗歌抒情性的个性特征。Thirdly, the active application of the image "gyre" to his poetry is the personal feature of his lyricism.

首钢矿业公司水厂铁矿Y-55牙轮钻原系统回转部分为两台直流电机串联。Gyre control of Y-55 auger was performed by two motors in series in Water Plant of Shougang Mining Corporation.

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虽然常常易混淆,但海浪能与潮汐力的每日涨落变化和海洋流稳定的环流是不同的。Though often co-mingled, wave power is distinct from the diurnal flux of tidal power and the steady gyre of ocean currents.

结果表明,风应力的作用总可在其下方的海洋中激发出与风应力旋转方向相同的直接涡旋。The results show that the wind stress can always create a direct gyre below it in the sea with the same direction of rotation.

北太平洋副热带环流的变化在全球气候变化和热量的经向输送中占重要地位。Variability of the Subtropical Gyre in the North Pacific is very important in Global Climate Change and meridional heat transport.

每一个从旋涡抽取的样本都含有塑料废物,由微小到大型都有。这发现已清楚证明了海洋污染的严重性。Every sample taken within the Gyre contained plastic debris, from ultra-fine to very large, indicating the severity of the situation.

该垃圾块的特点在北太平洋环流系统里聚集了大量的海洋塑料,化学污泥和其他碎片。The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre.