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你就像一个满腹牢骚的小屁孩。You sound like a whiny brat.

他确实是一个暴力狂,但却不浮躁。A violent alcoholic, sure, but not so whiny.

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这将学会少发牢骚,并更懂得珍惜。It would be less whiny and more appreciative.

人们在精疲力竭的时候会变得粗野,爱发牢骚。People get rude and whiny when they are exhausted.

你是一个爱抱怨的8岁孩童还是一个负责任的专业人士?Are you a whiny 8-year-old or a take-charge professional?

她们不会做出可爱且幽怨的表情,不会扮演弱势的女性角色。They don't put on the cute whiny face and play the weaker sex.

有一个人滚蛋的时间到了?可能吧,但不应该是那个“嘀咕先生”。Time for a head to roll?Probably, but it shouldn't be Mr Whiny 's.

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然而,烦躁的都市啊,请不要忘记,这世界本是镜花水月。However, whiny urban, please don't forget, the world is an illusion.

一个人可以丢弃一个挑剔的丈夫,但是烦躁的儿童和忧郁的青少年,可以吗?。One can dump a carping husband, but what of whiny toddlers and sullen teens?

你会让一个烦躁而且身份可疑的青春期少年独自一人呆在你宝贵的数据中心里吗?Would you leave a whiny teenager with identity issues alone in your data center?

一个又高大又软的姚明照样可以用他的大屁股把你那张爱抱怨的脸给压成煎饼!A big soft Yao can still squeeze your whiny face into a pancake with his mighty butt crack!

哪些部合是有效的,哪些是对于误的、美意的,乃至杂粹只是正在收牢骚。Which parts are valid, and which are incorrect, misinformed, malicious, or just plain whiny?

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你雇了他,因此你必须容忍他的嘀咕声,但应该运用巧妙的语言艺术教育他。You hired him, so you must put up with his whiny voice but should coach him in the art of the snappy answer.

让我提供你一个看待问题的不同角度,这一角度多了积极进取,少了怨天尤人。Let me offer you a different way of thinking about problems that’s a lot more empowering and a lot less whiny.

欣儿满腹冤枉难诉,孙浩适时呈现在她身边给她鼓舞,并暗下开端调查安琪。Hin son whiny wronged difficult SunHao lawsuit, timely present gives her in her side by AnXia beginning survey Angela.

对自己的语调要十分小心。使它保持均匀地…避免高嗓门、牢骚或哭腔。Be careful about the tone of your voice. Keep it evenly moderated and avoid getting a high-pitched, whiny or tearful tone.

同样的请求您以微笑和拥抱来表达或者相反以烦躁的口吻和生气的表情来表达所得到的效果是大相径庭的。The same request comes off very differently if it's done with a smile and a hug, as opposed to a whiny tone or angry face.

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华尔街一位银行家称,抗议者是“一群懒惰或不称职且牢骚满腹、无所事事的人。”One Wall Street banker described the protesters as "a bunch of whiny people who are lazy or incompetent and have nothing to do with their time."

中国人跟欧洲人都一样多元,我们都知道法国人多挑剔埋怨,意大利人是多油滑,德国人是多没情趣。Chinese people are no more all the same than Europeans, and we all know how whiny French people are, how slick Italian's are and how un-funny the German's are.

有关女性、媒体研究以及旅行,当然,还有一些小腻歪牢骚。会介绍一些好吃好玩的东西,因为我的生活里都是这样的小幸福。About feminism, media study and travel, of course, there are some tiny whiny things, and other funny stuff too, since my life is fulfilled of these little happinesses.