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农民需要去适应,特别是小农。Farmers need to adapt, especially smallholder farmers.

这是第一次,小农户从CMIA程序加纳利润。For the first time, smallholder farmers from Ghana profit from the CmiA program.

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在坦桑尼亚,P4P和储蓄信用合作社一起使那些小农联系到市场。In Tanzania, P4P is working with SACCOs to connect smallholder farmers to markets.

混合饲养是很多发展中国家小农采用的主要体系。Mixed farming is the main system for smallholder farmers in many developing countries.

所以毫无疑问你在买子猪时,最好带一个兽医或者饲养员一块去帮你挑选。If you have any doubts take a vet or another smallholder with you when you buy your pigs.

干旱还威胁着成千上万小农近期的生计。The drought also posed a threat to the immediate future of thousands of smallholder farmers.

在肯尼亚及南苏丹的农村地区,这极为常见——多数小农小户都是妇女。It is a common sight in rural areas of Kenya and South Sudan, as most smallholder farmers are women.

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在中国其他地区,杨树种植在小农生产和农林间作系统中已经很普遍。Poplar cultivation has become popular in smallholder and agro-forestry plantings in other regions of China.

例如,小农还将杨树插条用于温室蘑菇栽培。Smallholder farmers, for example, also use the cut stems of poplar for cultivating mushrooms in their greenhouses.

然而,小农及其经济和意识对当今社会现代化则是一个桎梏。However, smallholder and its economy and consciousness are a fetters and handcuffs to current society modernization.

我们必须与小农合作,建立促进产量并保护资源的生态方法。We must work with smallholder farmers to create an ecological approach to boosting production and conserving resources.

在中国其他地区,投资者已经认可了通过小农农林间作方式种植杨树的创新方法。In other regions of China, investors have embraced innovative ways to cultivate poplars in smallholder and agro-forestry plantings.

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柱花草是一类优良的热带豆科牧草,适于我国热带亚热带地区种植。Stylo is a promising tropical legume. This legume readily adapts to Smallholder farming systems in the tropics and subtropics of China.

立即开展的活动包括向小农分发种子、肥料、动物饲料和其他农具及用品。Immediate activities include distribution of seeds, fertilizer, animal feed and other farming tools and supplies to smallholder farmers.

泗阳县以杨树为主的小农农林复合经营已将这个洪泛区变成了由块块绿色镶嵌的田园。Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape.

关中地区种植结构的变迁是国家利益与小农利益的平衡和协调以及国家理性与小农理性的有机结合的一个成功范例。The transition of planting structure of Guanzhong area showed the balance and cooperation between the state benefit and smallholder logos.

而中长期的解套方式则是,敦促发展中国家中的中小农民独力发展,脱离对西方国家的依赖。In the medium and longer term, it wants to encourage more smallholder farming in developing countries to reduce their dependence on the west.

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土豆南非组织——一个代表商业和小型土豆种植农民的组织——也反对引入这种转基因蔬菜。Also opposing the introduction of the modified vegetable is Potatoes South Africa, an organisation representing commercial and smallholder potato farmers.

除其他外,这一网络正在运用各种参与性做法加强四川省和云南省贫困农民的小农农畜系统。This network is applying participatory approaches to improve smallholder crop-livestock systems for poor farmers in the Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, among others.

其重点是通过改进并提升小规模肉类生产和加工技术,提高小规模生产者的技能和能力建设。The focus is on enhancing skills and capacity building in the smallholder sector through improving and upgrading small-scale meat production and processing techniques.