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把下颌磨牙钳子拿来。Give me the lower molar forceps.

等于a除以摩尔体积V杠的平方。a over the molar volume squared.

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等于a除以摩尔体积的平方。Equals a over molar volume squared.

等于RT除以摩尔体积减去b的差。So it's RT over molar volume minus b.

所以这是气体的摩尔体积。So this is the molar volume of the gas.

这是气体的摩尔体积。That's just the molar volume of the gas.

关闭磨牙间隙后牙槽骨改建及牙根吸收情况。Root resorption after the closure of molar space.

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上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。Last premolar of upper jaw, first molar of lower jaw.

接近零的时候不成立,成立的是亨利定律。Close to molar fraction of zero. Instead, Henry's law.

葡萄胎无血管的绒毛是十分大的。The avascular villi of molar pregnancy are quite large.

缺少一个第三或者一个第四前臼齿或者一个臼齿。Absence of a third or a fourth premolar or of one molar.

我一分钱都没得到,但我的大牙却给纱布包起来了。I didn't get any money, but my molar is wrapped in gauze.

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我要给病人拔牙,拔的是下排左边的第三颗磨牙。I want to extract a tooth. It's the lower, left, third molar.

目的探讨磨牙纵裂的保守治疗效果。Objective To study the dinical effect of molar vertical crack.

泥土里那小小的金光是一颗用金子补过的磨牙。The little spot of gold in the dirt is a molar with a gold filling.

我认为分子量听起来不像莫耳质量那麽乏味。And I thought molecular weight sounded much less nerdy than molar mass.

实际上,测得的摩尔消光系数也和使用的仪器有关。In fact, measured molar absorptivity is also related to apparatus used.

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这分压等于气相中B的摩尔分数,乘以总压强。It's the molar fraction of B in the gas phase times the total pressure.

它等于RT除以摩尔体积V杠减去,再减去a除以摩尔体积的V杠平方。b It's RT over molar volume minus b minus a over molar volume V squared.

15K下固态铁的,摩尔焓是零。A molar enthalpy of or whatever, iron, as a solid at 298.15 Kelvin is zero.