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大厅和楼梯过道都很宽敞。The halls and stairways are commodious.

这是一种自由自在,令人赏心悦目的生活。It was a commodious and a diverting life.

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学生们的橱柜非常宽敞。The students' cupboards are very commodious.

房子虽小,住起来倒还方便。Although the house was small it was commodious.

高铁比一般列车更加的宽敞。CRH train is more commodious than normal train.

谁会不要一个薪水高、住房宽敞的工作呢?Who wouldn’t want a job with a food salary and commodious living quarters?

驾驶座不算特别宽敞。但是还是很轻松就能跨坐上去。Driver's seat is not that commodious. But it is a piece of cake to get ride on it.

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后睡在路边的一个小舱内,他们发现他们的酒店套房宽敞。After sleeping in a small roadside cabins, they found their hotel suite commodious.

即使上下课期间也没有拥挤,因为大厅和楼梯过道都很宽敞。Even during change of classes there is no crowding because the halls and stairways are commodious.

无意中找到了一只蝉蜕,它壳内宽敞又安全的空间让我十分满意。Accidentally, I came across a cicada slough. I was really content with its commodious and safe place.

酒店15幢别墅共有228间多款豪华山海景礼佛客房,每间客房可将远近的山光海色、园林景致尽收眼底。There are 15 villas, total 228 suites with deluxe view of mountain and ocean also commodious balcony.

他们给她两万里拉的工钱,带她看一个给她住的非常宽敞的房间。They offered her twenty thousand Lire in wages and showed her a very commodious room where she would live.

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换了一个较宽敞的化妆室,装备有楼上那些跑龙套的无名之辈享受不到的便利设施。Instead, a comparatively large and commodious chamber with conveniences not enjoyed by the small fry overhead.

同时,佔有一些重要堡垒的依杜默雅人,也骚扰犹太人,收留从耶路撒冷逃亡的人,意图发动战争。And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and attempted to make war.

同时,占有一些重要堡垒的依杜默雅人,也骚扰犹太人,收留从耶路撒冷逃亡的人,意图发动战争。And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and at- tempted to make war.

空旷而宽敞的庭院外,可作为私家户外休闲活动的场地,亦可成为私家宴会的客宾临时停车场。Open whereas commodious yard outside can serve as privately owned outdoors ground, also can become privately owned temporary parking lot for banquet guests.

一名观察家说,“尤其是咖啡馆,因其宽敞开阔的空间,很适合人们进行自由交谈,还可以舒舒服服的阅读各种新闻印刷品”。“The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free Conversation, and for reading at an easie Rate all manner of printed News,” noted one observer.

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宽敞整洁的环境,先进的办公设备,高效的行政和后勤支持,为律师更专心于服务客户提供了保障。It is the commodious and neat working environment, advanced working equipment and efficient logistics support that make sure perfect legal service for clients.

作为一款宜商宜家的中级轿车,八代雅阁更偏向于商务,同时宽绰的空间还能为乘员带来更舒适的感觉。As a appropriate intermediate car dealer ikea, eight generations more accord to the business, at the same time, the space can also commodious crew to bring a more comfortable feeling.

本文从我国当前的居住区建设出发,根据城市现代化及居民生活的特点,论述了如何规划与设计现代化、商品化的居住区。Based on the present populated area construction, this paper describes how to plan and design modern and commodious populated area according to the characters of modern city and resident life.