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原子间距。Atomic spacing.

间隔时间学习法使你有时间遗忘知识。Spacing gives you time to forget.

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修改网格线的径向间距。Modify spacing along radial lines.

隔空齐行是普遍的调查反映。"Spacing out" is a common poll response.

风喉支撑距离只供参考之用。Duct support spacing is for reference only.

下一页定义讯框间间距和后退演算法。The next page defines interframe spacing and backoff.

把活字版锁稳与版框内所用的间隔材料。Letterpress spacing materials used when locking in chase.

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你可以看到一些额外的间距对谷歌的广告格式。You can see the extra bit of spacing on Googles Ad Formats.

这个过程就改变了晶体成分之间的间隔。That alters the spacing between the elements of the crystal.

间隔指的是相邻单元格间的边界。Spacing is the space between boundaries of neighboring cells.

你的直觉会告诉你间隔时间学习法一个很糟糕的想法。Your intuition will tell you that spacing is a terrible idea.

原子内部间距,差不多也是一埃。Interatomic spacing is also on the order of about an angstrom.

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与“星”字间隔一个茱萸花纹的是“出”字。And "star" character spacing of a cornel pattern is "out" word.

这个平衡间距,用r下标0或者r圈表示。And this equilibrium spacing is denoted r sub zero or r naught.

中空玻璃用铝隔条生产线。Aluminum Spacing Strip Production Line for insulating glass " ."

你会允许白日梦而阻断了你一天的计划吗?Can you program daydreaming and spacing out in your day planner?

带箭头和可调线间距的双线连接线。Four-line connector with arrowheads and adjustable line spacing.

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各类型的表单组件应该有5毫米的最小间距List type of components should have minimum of 5 mm line spacing

时间节奏与动作间距是构成动画的两大元素。Animation mainly consists of two key elements-timing and spacing.

mnemosyne和anki的记忆复述算法几乎是一样的。The spacing algorithms of Mnemosyne and Anki are nearly the same.