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我的保姆正等着我回家呢。My baby sitter is expecting me to come home.

一回到家,他们就付了保姆工资,让她回去。Upon arriving home, they promptly paid the baby sitter and sent her on her way.

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所有这些人像摄影都展示了卡什在捕捉被摄人物个性精髓方面的天赋。All these portraits illustrate Karsh's ability to capture the essence of his sitter.

反德西特空间虽然无穷大,却有个位于无穷远的“边界”。Anti-de sitter space, although it is infinite, has a "boundary, " located out at infinity.

幸运的是,我的家人和保姆也能减轻我的负担,所以儿子一直有人陪着。I was lucky that my family and my baby sitter could also relieve me so that my son was never alone.

斜倚物,躺着的人斜倚或斜躺着的人或物,如被坐的人放下了椅背抬高了椅座而斜倚着的扶手椅。One that reclines, as an armchair that reclines when the sitter lowers the chair's back and raises its front.

而且一盒带子经常被反复使用,就像训练有素的看孩子的人一样把小家伙们伺候得舒舒服服。And a tape is always being repeatedly used and serves children very well just like a finely? Trained baby? Sitter.

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你雇来保姆,因为你已经许久未与丈夫单独约会了,回来后却要花上大半夜的工夫查房。You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.

我们马上会看到,在全像理论中,那个更高维的空间就是反德西特空间的内部。As we shall see shortly, in our holographic theories that higher-dimensional space is the interior of anti-de Sitter space.

但是这次我再次看她的时候,我觉得她并非是我熟知的那个肖像,我感觉她好像是我一个再次见面的朋友,但是变老了,成熟了。But on this visit the unnamed sitter looked only half-familiar, like a friend who, since the last meeting, had aged or grown.

倒霉的爱美丽在第40分钟的时候站在门前4码的地方也能击中横梁。Hapless striker Emile Heskey had earlier missed a shocking sitter in the 40th minute when he hit the bar from four yards for Villa.

要做到这个,你可以请个保姆,或者出去看场电影或是下趟馆子来作为对自己的奖励,当然也可以作些其他你非常喜欢的活动。This can involve getting a sitter and treating yourself to say a movie and dinner out, or doing some favorite activity on your own.

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进一步的艺术分析和X光扫描更加确认了这幅肖像画确实出自委拉斯开兹之手,虽然我们可能永远无法知道所画的人是谁。Further technical analysis and X-rays went on to confirm the portrait is indeed by Velázquez, although we may never know who the sitter is.

很多哺乳期妈妈要将泵奶器藏起来,还有些妈妈则在打电话找保姆或询问孩子今天表现如何时佯装工作。Many nursing mothers hide their breast pumps. Others pretend to be working when they make calls to find a sitter or check up on their kids.

二人很难有亲密时间,找保姆照看孩子,一周抽出一天和爱人单独相处的时间。It might be tough the find the time for intimacy, so plan to get a sitter one-day-per-week so you can have some alone time with your partner.

不过,那时候我们带孩子去公园,把他们交给十几岁大的少年看管,完全不必担心孩子的安全。But we were able to take our children down to the park when they were babies and leave them with a teenage sitter and no one was worried about safety.

杜拉斯的作品是这位为当时许多最有名的画家,包括布歇和卡尔凡洛欧为其所做的诸多画像中的最后一幅。Drouais's painting is the last of numerous portraits of the sitter by some of the best-known painters of the day, including Boucher and Carle van Loo.

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再说,先前的保姆经历很有价值,使你可以决定这个人是否可以好好照顾你的孩子。Again, the prior experience of a babysitter will be invaluable to you in determining whether or not a person will make a good sitter for your youngster.

还有各种各样的理论,认为这个坐着的女人正陷入怀孕的幸福中,或者认为她患有各种各样的疾病,从面瘫到咬牙切齿强迫症。Theories also abound that the sitter was happily pregnant, or affected by various diseases ranging from facial paralysis to compulsive gnashing of teeth.

维顿证明了反德西特时空中的黑洞,所对应的是边界时空中另一种物理的热辐射。Witten has shown that a black hole in anti–de Sitter spacetime corresponds to hot radiation in the alternative physics operating on the bounding spacetime.