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那男孩的屁股著实挨了一顿巴掌。The boy got a sound spanking.

他乘劲风扬帆。He squared away to a spanking wind.

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孩子会把挨打和攻击联系在一起。A child will relate spanking to hitting.

高高的芦苇在劲风中摇曳。Tall reeds responded to the spanking breeze.

生气的母亲给了她儿子一顿狠打。The angry mother gave her son a good spanking.

你认为打屁股就等同于虐待儿童吗?Do you think spanking is equal to child abuse ?

他听到一匹马正在疾步驰近。He heard a horse approaching ata spanking trot.

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太常打孩子屁股,会减少效果。Spanking a child too often may lessen its impact.

每个家庭打屁股的具体方式也很不一样。What constitutes spanking in a family can vary widely.

我认为打屁股是教育孩子的唯一的办法。I think spanking is the only way to discipline a child.

鞭刑可以减少犯罪,采用新加坡的经验。Spanking will reduce the crime — a Singapore experience.

他们的车正快速前进,突然一只轮胎爆了。The were spanking along nicely when suddenly a tyre burst.

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事实上霍登当时也没想到研究家长打孩子屁股这一项。In fact, Holden didn't even know he'd be studying spanking.

童年挨揍也跟犯罪有关联。Spanking in childhood also has been related to criminality.

她们可以用打屁股的方式威胁我,我会投降的。They could threaten me with a spanking and I would surrender.

亲爱的朋友们,打屁股是教育儿童守纪律的好方法吗?My dear friends, is spanking a good way to discipline children?

早在1979年,瑞典就第一个提出了禁止父母殴打孩子。Sweden was the first country to ban parental spanking back in 1979.

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打板子会不会在孩子内心的深处形成长大以后都抹不去的伤痕呢?Can spanking lead to permanent, hidden scars on children years later?

你同不同意打屁股是教育孩子最有效的途径?Do you agree that spanking is the most effective way to educate kids?

因为就算在美国,善意地揍孩子一顿在另一个家庭会被认为是虐待。Even within the US, a good spanking in one house is abuse in another.