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埃伦病了。Ellen ill.

我重病缠身。am very ill.

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我重病缠身。I am very ill.

我觉得很不惬心。I feel so ill.

还是他病倒了?But was he ill?

他也许生病了吧。He might be ill.

可是她病得很重吗?But is she very ill?

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我猜想他病了。I supsect he is ill.

别生我气,传奇私服。Don't take ill of me.

他得了重病。He was seriously ill.

恶习易染。Ill weeds grow apace.

他怎么病成这样了?How did he get so ill?

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这顿饭使她得病了。Ihe meal made her ill.

这食品难消化。This food digests ill.

你来推,我来拉。You push and Ill pull.

他看来没有生过病似的。He seems not to be ill.

心灵鸡汤英文午餐我请你!Ill treat you to lunch.

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你什么时候开始病的?When did you fasl ill ?

我不清楚,你的母亲没病,我周四见到她身体很好。Your mother wasn't ill.

他举止不良。He demeaned himself ill.