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艾伦。你打算做什么?Allan. What will you do?

咱们让艾伦走路,给安升官。Let's fire Allan and promote Ann.

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坡的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。Allan Poes novel is full of mystery.

坡的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。Allan Poes novels are full of mystery.

阿伦很快来到塞里特和史蒂芬身边。Allan quickly reached Seret and Stephen.

艾伦每周都去图书管吗?Does Allan go to the library every Monday?

爱伦坡的早年生活十分艰辛。Edgar Allan Poe had a very hard early life.

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艾伦是我哥们,我们在一起有16年了。Allan is my dawg , we've been together for 16 years.

我们在读斯蒂芬·金、安妮·瑞斯、爱德嘉·艾伦的诗。We're reading Stephen King, Anne Rice, Edgar Allan Poe.

亚伦也教许多无价的技巧并且移动。Allan also teaches numerous invaluable sleights and moves.

爱伦·坡对恐怖小说作出了极大贡献。Edgar Allan Poe made great contribution to horror fiction.

爱伦·坡是一类侦探小说的创始者。Allan Poe was the originator of a genre of detective story.

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艾伦住在华盛顿市外的一个小镇。Allan lived in a small town outside the city of Washington.

阿伦舔了舔邮票,把它贴在信封上。Allan licked the postage stamp and stuck it on the envelope.

关于丹麦的圣诞老人艾伦来说,平安夜只有贰正确的日期。For Santa Allan from Denmark, there is only one correct date.

芭芭拉和艾伦正准备去参加一个鸡尾酒会。Barbara and Allan were getting ready to go to a cocktail party.

阿伦要投篮啦,看看这个底线的后仰,好球!Allan wants to go, watch the baseline, fade away! Yes! Look out!

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接着,我阅读了雷顿对各家企业的新年建言。Then I read Allan Leighton's advice to businesses for the new year.

警察在现场抓到了满手鲜血的少年艾伦。The police caught the teenager Allan of full hand blood in the spot.

“安娜贝尔·李”是埃德加·爱伦·坡所做的最后一首完整诗篇。"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by Edgar Allan Poe.